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SAMSUNG YP-F1XW (1867 ko)
手冊摘要: 使用說明書 SAMSUNG YP-F1XW
[. . . ] The separate collection and recycling of your product at the time of disposal will help conserve natural resources and ensure that it is recycled in a manner that protects human health and the environment.
Apple ߦॄ
Apple ݦตႺදᄗᆕഋࣞ႞རᅰߦԣసॄٵᆑՐ؇ჷྻࣨ ክ࿎dᄗځݙޓཱĩೊ༻ۂķwww. apple. com. cn/environment
FCC Compliance Statement
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Important: Changes or modifications to this product not authorized by Apple could void the EMC compliance and negate your authority to operate the product. This product has demonstrated EMC compliance under conditions that included the use of compliant peripheral devices and shielded cables between system components. [. . . ] This product has demonstrated EMC compliance under conditions that included the use of compliant peripheral devices and shielded cables between system components. It is important that you use compliant peripheral devices and shielded cables between system components to reduce the possibility of causing interference to radios, televisions, and other electronic devices. This device must not be co–located with other transmitters.
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment o∂ and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit di∂erent from that to which the receiver is connected. • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. týmto vyhlasuje, že 802. 11 b/g radio spĺňa základné požiadavky a všetky príslušné ustanovenia Smernice 1999/5/ES. vakuuttaa täten että802. 11 b/g radio tyyppinen laite on direktiivin 1999/5/EY oleellisten vaatimusten ja sitä koskevien direktiivin muiden ehtojen mukainen. att denna 802. 11 b/g radio står I överensstämmelse med de väsentliga egenskapskrav och övriga relevanta bestämmelser som framgår av direktiv 1999/5/EG. റ႓Ԓণwߨۺҵቻඔx( Declaration of Conformity) ؇҉ĩೊ ಏ༌་ᇁķwww. apple. com/euro/compliance
iPod touch সႽᅿྑሿݭບߦሿናᄐଚჀ࿚ࡘ (EFTA) ࢧடᄊķ
Français Pour usage en intérieur uniquement. Consultez l’Autorité de Régulation des Télécommunications (ART) pour connaître les limites d’utilisation des canaux 1 à 9. www. art-telecom. fr Italiano Approvato esclusivamente per l’uso in locali chiusi. L’utilizzo all’esterno dei propri locali è subordinato al rilascio di un’autorizzazione generale. Ελλάδα Για χρήση σε εσωτερικούς χώρους μόνο
Singapore Wireless Certification
Korea Statements
Taiwan Wireless Statements
Japan Compliance Statement
VCCI Class B Statement
ٵᄡࡩૻݵ।በ࿊ېᇢѮࠛڧcޡڧѮࠛ؇࿊ېᇢĩ ҉Ѯህ๐ීᄯ؇Ӥྭᄡܠ؋࿊ېᇢѮࠛڧcޡڧຖݤ؇ ഋߧੈߦख़࢘d҉ѮህӤ௨քcྭሧࡩၞ࠱ഋߧმᄲ࿉ුߨ ӤႤሣڙሣ؇࿊ېᇢੈdӨࢧەcሾߦකӤഌٵᄡڡ ခࡩܚခ็ච؇௨քߦྭሧĩࡩᇢᅿყ߅Ѯህࡩສ࣓সဥ ؇ࢹடᅯယܠ؋ྭሧdმְĩႽྑ๐෯ྭሧࡩ௨քসӤසᄊ ᄡநd҉Ѯህݕᄯந؇ڧੈĩಱநসႽඪჼᄗӤ ࢧcሾߦකܐᄯ؇๒ੈd҉ᄗྭѮህԣసڡૻݵඕڧ؛ ྌޗĩӋݖ८कෆd҉ᄗྭѮህྑ؇Ѯህഈĩݖ८ԣసૻݵ ڡඕࢧࡩ؛ĩСᇘ҉༵ࠌܚ؇Ҹىd ఼ݦต҉ٵჹ࣓ԣస؇ѮህརऩྭᄡႽྑķ
఼ݦตĥ࣐Ⴝྑ๐෯Ħफ़҉ჹ࣓ԣసᅿሀԪᄊྑսྥ؇ӭ ߦݟႾ൪؇ᢣ֨ຖݤѮህĩѮህናᅒክሶᄊࠞૻݵᇢૻݵු ԣసሏഒ༛Ⴄ (1) யĥqѮህrĦdതჹ࣓սྥᢣ֨ĩ ఼ݦตᅿѮህடᄗ࿔๎అඪĩ఼ݦตࣞᅿڧᅯယ؇ ༘ڵடာᆖႽྑഋߧႤķ(1) ᄊӨ࣓ࡩाဋ؇Ө࣓ېဋ ԣసĸ(2) ࠲ݙԣసĩຖݤԣసcࡩᄊӨ࣓ࡩᄊসᄊ؇ ग़Ө࣓ඕԣ؇ԣసĩڙಱĩခჭሢ൴ᄲᅒԣసྯ״ĸࡩ (3) ໞ ࠰ԣసࢰঢ়d఼ݦตস႓়ࠞᄊ఼ݦต༛્Ѯህར ๐ຖݤ؇Ө࣓ࡩाဋ؇ᄊࠞসናПቯ؇Ө࣓ĩ࠲ݙᄗᢣ֨ ؇Ө࣓d࠲ݙ؇ԣసࡩӨ࣓ĥѩ৵ᄊࠞݖ८఼ݦตຖݤ؇ฌ Пቯ؇ᄊࠞসናПቯ؇Ө࣓Ħসࢡဥྼᄗᅒԣసගᄧ؇Ѯህ ĩࡩናࡩ࠲ݙဋሏഒॖට (90) ഒ؇ѮህĩႽ੨ᇢሱंԫ ؇ྭ༛ቻd࠲ݙԣసࡩӨ࣓ࠌĩ࣓࠲ݙՐ༛ᄊࠞ؇ӯԣĩ҆ݙ ࠲࣓Ր༛఼ݦต؇ӯԣd఼ݦต༛્Ѯህར๐ຖݤ؇Ө ࣓ңဘᄊᄡ๐႓Ѯህ۽ར؇ԣస൪dໞঢ়ඪĩပໞঢ়؇ԣసң ဘݦ఼࠰ڴตĩՐ༛఼ݦต؇ӯԣd തսྥᢣ֨ĩ఼ݦตᅿѮህࢹ؇Ⴄциට (180) ഒሏࠌ ᄗ࿔๎అඪĩ఼ݦตٵԣసफဋࡩ࠲ݙඪĩসස쒜ฤ ࢅාဥېd ྭሧߦ௨ք ҉ᄗྭѮህऩසᄊᄡ఼ݦตඕԣ؇ࡩ༛఼ݦตඕԣ؇ᅽᄗ qAppler൧ҵc൧ୢࡩᇢҵද؇ჹ࣓ԣసd҉ᄗྭѮህӤසᄊᄡ ݦ఼ۆต؇ჹ࣓ԣసĩࡩᄲܠჹ࣓ݭѩቯࡩݭ࿉ු؇പ࣓ ԣసdք఼ݦตሏ؇ඕԣ൧cݤჭ൧ࡩսѓ൧স࿁ክሶᄊࠞ ຖݤና؇Ѯህĩවĩ఼ݦตᅿڧယস؇༘ڵடऩqСྥ ታrຖݤԣసd఼ݦตսු؇ཏව۰ᅽᄗqApplerୢՍ؇പ ࣓ĥѩ৵Ӥྭᄡ྄ໆപ࣓ĦঊӤᅿ҉ᄗྭѮህሏdᄗܠޓപ ࣓ᄊྐྵೈĩೊӷ࣐പ࣓ԣసܚ؇ယস࿚გd఼ݦตӤѮ ህԣస؇ᅰӤࢹٰࡩཏגཤdڱ༥СᇘฌᄊԣసڙᆑՐ ੶็චĩ఼ݦตӤצᆕഋd
҉ѮህӤසᄊᄡķ(a) მᄲݦ఼ۆตԣసႤᄊڙᆑՐ؇็ ࠬĸ(b) cᄊcӤ״ᄊcࠂฅcࡧᅻc؛ᇳࡩᇢ๒Ө ᅒმᆑՐ؇็ࠬĸ(c) მ఼ݦตᅯယࡩᅉᄊ༘ڵႽ؇ԣస ԂڙᆑՐ؇็ࠬĸ(d) ݦ఼ۆตןҸࡩ఼ݦตී۽རຖݤ ൧ĥq఼ී۽ར൧rĦຖݤ؇۽རĥѩ৵ࢋߦ৶իĦ๐ᆑ Ր؇็ࠬĸ(e) ༥ा఼ݦต୍ීٵခࡩᅽߢफܡݙ؇ ԣసࡩӨ࣓ĸ(f ) ఼ԣస྄ߞ҆Ⴏքࡩᇢޖ࿉ࡐdᅿڧᅯ ယ؇༘ڵடĩ൪෯Ѯህᄲख़࢘ව௨๒ခ؇ĩӋೞן๐ᄗ؇๒؇ ཏව໊ࡩ୍cىڧcභࡩୱභ؇Ѯህcख़࢘ᄲສ࣓dᅿ සᄊڧᅯယ؇༘ڵடĩ఼ݦตຍһ௨քഋߧىڧ؇ࡩୱභ؇ Ѯህĩѩ৵ස࿉ခߦٵຍى؇සᄊခ؇ѮህĩႽࢅٵყҙࡩಐ ᅿ؇ᢣ֨؇Ѯህdത఼ݦตӤᅿڧᅯယ؇༘ڵட௨քڧ ࡩىୱභ؇Ѯህĩ๐ᄗ൪෯Ѯህ؇ྭჭྭىᅿභ؇Ѯህߦ ఼ݦต୍ڼרى؇ဋࡩໞ࠲டd఼ݦต؇ቩු൧cן ൧ࡩވᅖঊ༥҆ීဋܡcၞԫࡩᆛࢨ҉Ѯህ؇ྭdത҉ Ѯህሱ؇ഋߧສঢ়҆ഌ༛ӤߨࡩڧӤসሕĩӋӤჷྻࡩ࿆ല ๒ສঢ়؇ߨڧခᄲসሕခd ք҉Ѯህ๐ຖݤ؇ѮህሏӋᅿڧᅯယ؇ክ༘ڵטடĩ఼ݦ ตӤצഋߧმ༖ڳѮህࡩສ࣓ࡩݖ८๒ဲڧ๐ღ؇ሒ आ؇cຍى؇cםܚ؇ࡩࠌခ็චĥѩ৵Ӥྭᄡᄊ็චc ന็චcථ࢟ࡩᅉੈര็චĥѩ৵ߨ؇ੈര็චĦcण ᄊ؇็චcᅉևရ؇็චc႞ར็චcࡱࡘ็චc൧ᅅ็ චcඔᅅ็චc؇็චc็ࠬࡩ็ࡐĦcࡩმഋߧᅒმ๐ღ ؇ࢹआ؇ࡩࠌခ็චĥѩ৵࠲ݙඃ҃ߦའసĦcმဋܑcҫ Փࡩܑሧ఼ݦตԣసሱ๐և؇ࡩ๐ᄊ؇Փဟࡩ८cႽࢅ ԣస๐և؇Ѯୃ؇ୃڙԣඕ؇ېᄊ؋dಏ෯ྭሧӤසᄊ ᄡท༉ࡩഈඈ൦؇๎అĩࡩޅࡩࠏט؇༛ߦ / ࡩӤ ༛๐ღ؇ഋߧىڧᆕഋd఼ݦตӤኵᄗ҉ޓѮህྑݶဋܑ ႤಯԣసࡩᅿٵՓဟᄲ८ཏ็ࡩྤۦච؇ೈྑ࠲ݙԣస؇Չ ෯d
ࡨ؆Ѯህ۽ར ᅿຖսѮህ۽རሏಏĩೊ൪་Ԓণ҉ჹ࣓ԣసܚ༵࣓๐෯؇ᅿ ྮќቛᅙdᄊ൪෯ᅙሏࠌĩതԣసӤᄗ࿔ᅰĩೊ ൪་᜴་ᇁ www. apple. com/supportĩԒᇕതߧࡨ؆Ѯህ۽ར؇ ฌdೊརңኰෑ఼ݦต؇Ѯህ۽རՓဟd ఼ݦตຖݤѮህ۽རඪķ(i) সᅿ఼ݦต؇ු఼ົࡩئ ී۽ར൧ຖྥݤԨ۽རĩࡩᄐ఼ݦต؇ුී఼ࡩئ۽ ར൧ࣞԣసڡฤሢ఼ݦต༝ဋ۽རӨफဋĸ(ii) ົ࿁ி ຖݤᅰېᅉܓຖר؇ڼබĥതிଢᄗᅒѩቯĩ఼ݦต࠰ࣞຖ ݤѩቯӭĦĩҮᄡிࣞԣసڡฤݦ఼ต༝ဋ۽རӨफဋ ĸ(iii) ົ࿁ிڡฤ؇ࡩाဋ؇ᄊࠞসናПቯ؇Ө࣓ݙ ࠲ԣసࡩӨ࣓ĩிࡨ؆۽རࡩ࠲ݙና؇ԣసĥqና۽࠲ݙ རrĦd࠲ݙԣసࡩӨ࣓ࠌĩᅒԣసࡩӨ࣓ࣞՐ༛఼ݦต ؇ӯԣĩڙಱĩிСᇘ఼ݦต؇ሙභܠӯԣĩѩ৵ᅿ ఼ݦต؇႓ྑĩࢅඪП௨ࣞᅒԣసࡩӨ࣓ݦ఼ݕ࠰ڴตd ᅿና۽࠲ݙརඪĩത఼ݦต႓࠰ڴᅒԣసߦӨ࣓ĩ఼ݦ ตস႓ிຖݤᄊগී༛ປ࠲ԣసࡩӨ࣓ුࢰݎႽࢅස ״ᅰې؇צѮdതிСᇘ఼ݦต؇ሙභᄯႽ࠰ڴĩ఼ݦตࣞ ೞ࿊ᄊগීĩிࣞӤңለܓປ࠲ԣసࡩӨ࣓؇ېᄊߦᅰېd ത༥࠰ڴປ࠲ԣసࡩӨ࣓ĩ఼ݦตָࣞී؇ᄊগणڏሱ քྯჭঢ়d ۽རڼබcসᄊӨ࣓Ⴝࢅࡏܑඪࢹݖ८๐႓ຖݤѮህ۽ར؇ ࢧ؇ӤڙӤd۽རڼබඪসڡඕүࠦdതܠԣసᅿ႓ ຖݤѮህ۽ར؇ࢧӤ؆۽རĩிပ႓ለܓᅰېߦې ᄊdതிᅿૻݵۆျѮህ۽རĩி࠰ပኰෑ๐ᄗྯޓս ڧޡڧĩӋለޓܓงcᆛሖงႽࢅ๒ྯޓงརߦېᄊdٵᄡ ࢟۽རĩ఼ݦตসᄊ؛״ߨۺҵቻ؇সғԣసࡩӨ࣓ٵᄗ ᢣ֨؇ԣసࡩӨ࣓फဋߦ࠲ݙdݖ८සᄊڧĩ఼ݦตস ᅿຖݤѮህ۽རሏಏস႓়ࠞຖૻݵݤԣస؇ྐྵ྇ిህߦ/ࡩኰ ෑྯჭ؇؊࢜႓dྐྵ࣐ԣస؇ܚ༵࣓ĩႽ੶क҉රࡩ๒ ᄗޓර؇Ѯህ۽ར؇ྐྵೈd
఼ݦตࣞݖ८়ࠞყดѮࠛሁԈѮࠛߦᄊ়ཱࠞĩྐྵ࣐ www. apple. com/legal/privacyd തிᄊ؇ԣసևപ࣓Փဟc८ࡩ๒ཱĩிჭى ҃ۜԣసჹ௯ࡩ๒ևତज൪؇ཱĩႽѮࠛևடചĩᅉڿ সսྥ؇Ԃචཤdᅿࣞԣసฤ࣮Ѯህ۽རඪĩிჭܗᆕઘ ҃ۜ൪෯டചĩӋೞ࿊ୃdᅿѮህ۽རՓሱĩჹ௯൪؇டച সࡘًචࡩ҆ݎබࠦdٵᄡְਭՓဟc८ࡩ๒Ѯᅿྼ Ѯህ۽ར؇ԣసࡩӨ࣓൪؇ཱ؇ًචࡩ็ࡐĩ఼ݦตࡩן Ӥᄯܗᆕd ԣస࠰ڴඪᄲૻݵඪ؇ఇሤྯĩӋफසݙ״ dிပሹПቯ๒പ࣓Փဟc८ࡩඃሤୃdࡍܑࡩሹ Пቯപ࣓Փဟߦᄊࠞ८Ӥᅿ҉Ѯህ؇Ѯህ༘ڵሏடd
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