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![Mode d'emploi SAMSUNG SGH-E908 Mode d'emploi SAMSUNG SGH-E908](/images_notices_webp/SAMSUNG/SGH-E908/10-09-08-04-52-10-397.webp)
手冊摘要: 使用說明書 SAMSUNG SGH-E908
[. . . ] SGH-E908 User’s Guide
Drive safely at all times Do not use a hand-held phone while driving. Park the vehicle first.
Important safety precautions
Failure to comply with the following precautions may be dangerous or illegal.
Switch off the phone when refuelling Do not use the phone at a refuelling point (service station) or near fuels or chemicals. Switch off in an aircraft Wireless phones can cause interference. Using them in an aircraft is both illegal and dangerous. [. . . ] Press [ ] to send the message.
Edit page: change the duration of page display or move the page forward among the other pages. Attach: attach a Phonebook entry as a name card, a calender data as a data format attachment, or a document file stored in the Other files folder. Remove subject/Remove message/ Remove media/Remove sound/ Remove: remove an added item.
6. Add media files or document files stored in the Other files folder.
Depending on the file type or DRM (Digital Rights Management) system, some files may not be able to be forwarded.
Menu functions
Email (Menu 5. 1. 3)
You can create and send e-mails that include text, audio, and images. Select the Subject line.
You can use various options by pressing <Options> in each field. When you have finished, press <Options> and select Send. To send the e-mail to more than one recipient, fill in additional destination fields. Using options while composing an e-mail While composing an e-mail, press <Options> to access the following options: • Add: add the subject of your e-mail or e-mail text. • Add image/Add video/Add sound/ Add music: add media files stored in the phone’s memory.
Messages (Menu 5)
2. Select the File attached line.
Menu functions
• • • • • • Add other files: add document files stored in the Other files folder. Memory card: add files stored on a memory card, if inserted. Save in: save the e-mail in another message folder. Attach: attach Phonebook entries as name cards or calender data as data format attachments. Remove subject/Remove message/ Remove attachment: remove an added item. Remove all attachments: delete all attached files. Viewing a message The following icons may appear on the message list to show the message type: • SMS • MMS • MMS notification ( : Being retrieved, : Failed to retrieve) • Voicemail • Push message from web servers/ Configuration message, containing network parameters from your service provider • CB (Cell broadcast) message from your service provider • Delivery report for your sent messages
• Depending on the DRM (Digital Rights Management) system, messages having web content may not be able to be forwarded. icon next to a message means that the message is of high priority. A greycoloured message icon indicates low priority.
My messages (Menu 5. 2)
Use this menu to access messages you have received, sent, or which have failed in sending.
Inbox (Menu 5. 2. 1)
This folder stores all of the messages you have received, except for e-mails.
Using message options While viewing a message, press <Options> to access the following options: SMS messages • Reply via text message: reply to the sender via SMS. • Reply via multimedia message to: reply to the sender via MMS. • Forward: forward the message to other people. • Zoom view: zoom in or out on the text by pressing [ / ]. To switchback to normal view, press <Back>. [. . . ] Improperly installed wireless equipment could result in serious injury if the air bag inflates.
Switch off your phone before boarding an aircraft. It is dangerous and illegal to use wireless phones in an aircraft because they can interfere with the operation of the aircraft. Failure to observe these instructions may lead to the suspension or denial of telephone services to the offender, or legal action, or both.
Care and maintenance
Your phone is a product of superior design and craftsmanship and should be treated with care. The suggestions below will help you fulfill any warranty obligations and allow you to enjoy this product for many years. [. . . ]
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