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手冊摘要: 使用說明書 SAMSUNG RS20NASW
[. . . ] 綐萹/詍肆缮謃
赹蘘軣詒胒訝襮者脘聇ૢ訝緍葨罁訝蘁萛纁ଞ蘁萛趈ଞ蘁萛餦軫聈躨 餦ଟ 赹ૢ訝躒藽缬訝詒袂蓧脘詧聇躒藽缬茕舩訝詒袂者纁ଟ
SyncMaster 591S/793S/591V/793V/783DF/795DF 793DF/797DF/RS20NASW/793MB/795MB
脘詧ૢ訝 躒藽缬
虡觞蘁萛 纫肆誎蒬 缮謃虡觞
1. 2-1.
赹ૢ訝躒藽缬訝詒袂蓧脘詧聇躒藽缬茕舩訝詒袂者纁ଟ赹躒藽缬訝詒袂蓧ឯ觥菁缋訝襮 紨ឯ謃葽ଟ 萦蠯蘁蘩餦 (video card) 葽識 D-sub (膍菲蘉) 詧肞ଟ 蘘軣蓧脘詧聇ૢ訝緍葨罁訝蘁萛纁, 蘁萛趈ଞ蘁萛餦軫聈躨餦ଟ ⋷舞雛频蓙 閱鎴 萦蠯 D-SUB 脘詧蓧觅躲臚脘詧聇 Macintosh 詒翙葽ଟ 蚧萦蠯纠躧軣訝 Macintosh 詒翙ஆ賿跼薧萦蠯赴薁訝 Mac 詹膄缬脘詧躲臚ଟ 贙紹ૢ訝緍葨罁輁躒藽缬ଟ蛰縠ૢ訝躒藽缬躒藽賆鱫舩ஆ罼㤘虡觞賗蟔蔔腦ଟ
2-2. 3.
BNC Connectors (Option) 虡觞-貘豬訝
SyncMaster RS20NASW
1. 2-1.
赹ૢ訝躒藽缬訝詒袂蓧脘詧聇躒藽缬茕舩訝詒袂者纁ଟ赹躒藽缬訝詒袂蓧ឯ觥菁缋訝襮 紨ឯ謃葽ଟ 萦蠯蘁蘩餦 (video card) 葽識 D-sub (膍菲蘉) 詧肞ଟ 蘘軣蓧脘詧聇ૢ訝緍葨罁訝蘁萛纁, 蘁萛趈ଞ蘁萛餦軫聈躨餦ଟ ⋷舞雛频蓙 閱鎴 萦蠯 D-SUB 脘詧蓧觅躲臚脘詧聇 Macintosh 詒翙葽ଟ 蚧萦蠯纠躧軣訝 Macintosh 詒翙ஆ賿跼薧萦蠯赴薁訝 Mac 詹膄缬脘詧躲臚ଟ BNC詧ឯ絓 赹蘘軣詒胒脘詧聇躒藽缬茕舩訝BNC蘘軣者纁ଟ 贙紹ૢ訝緍葨罁輁躒藽缬ଟ蛰縠ૢ訝躒藽缬躒藽賆鱫舩ஆ罼㤘虡觞賗蟔蔔腦ଟ
2-2. [. . . ] : (9 3 ) 26 1 6 7 50
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FRANCE : SAMSUNG EL ECTRONICS FRANCE Service Paris Nord 2 6 6 rue des Vanesses BP 50116 Villepinte 9 59 50 Roissy CDG Cedex Tel : 08 25 08 6 5 6 5 Fax : 01 4 8 6 3 06 3 8
http://www. samsung services. com/
GERMANY : TEL EPL AN Rhein-Main GmbH Feldstr. 06 151/9 57 -17 3 2
* EURO 0. 12/Min
http://www. samsung . de/
HUNGARY : Samsung Electronics Mag yar Rt. Tel: 3 6 1 4 53 1100 Fax : 3 6 1 4 53 1101
http://www. samsung . hu/
ITALY : Samsung Electronics Italia S. p. a. Donat Cattin, 5 2006 3 Cernusco s/Navig lio (MI) Servizio Clienti: 19 9 . 153 . 153
http://www. samsung -italia. com/ MEXICO : SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS MEXICO. San Francisco Chilpan Tultitlan, Estado de Mexico C. P. Mexico Tel : 01(55) 5317 2551/3410/3409 Fax : 01(55) 5317 3377 RFC: SEM950215S98 http://www. samsung. com. mx/ IMPORTADO POR: SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS MEXICO. San Francisco Chilpan Tultitlan, Estado de Mexico C. P. Mexico Tel : 01(55) 5317 2551/3410/3409 EXPORTADO POR: Samsung Electronics CO. , LTD. 416, Mae tan-3dong, Yeongtong-gu, Suwon City, Kyoungki-Do Korea
NETHERLANDS/BELGIUM/LUXEMBOURG : Samsung Electronics Benelux B. Fleming laan 12 228 9 CP Rij iswij k , NEDERL ANDS Service and inf ormatielij n ; . be/ Belg ium :08 00-9 5214 http://www. samsung , Netherlands : 08 00-229 5214 http://www. samsung , . nl/ PANAMA : Samsung Electronics L atinoamerica( Z . L . ) S. A. Calle 50 Edif icio Plaza Credicorp, Planta Baj a Panama Tel. This book let was prepared by the Federal Communications Commission. Government Printing Of f ice, Washing ton, DC 204 02, Stock Number 004 -000-003 4 5-4 . The party responsible f or product compliance: SAMSUNG EL ECTRONICS CO. , L TD America QA L ab of Samsung 3 3 51 Michelson Drive, Suite # 29 0, Irvine, CA9 26 12 USA
Tel) 9 4 9 -9 7 5-7 3 10 Fax ) 9 4 9 -9 22-8 3 01 Warning User must use shielded sig nal interf ace cables to maintain FCC compliance f or the product. Provided with this monitor is a detachable power supply cord with IEC3 20 style terminations. It may be suitable f or connection to any UL L isted personal computer with similar conf ig uration. Bef ore mak ing the connection, mak e sure the voltag e rating of the computer convenience outlet is the same as the monitor and that the ampere rating of the computer convenience outlet is eq ual to or ex ceeds the monitor voltag e rating . For 120 Volt applications, use only UL L isted detachable power cord with NEMA conf ig uration 5-15P type (parallel blades) plug cap. For 24 0 Volt applications use only UL L isted Detachable power supply cord with NEMA conf ig uration 6 -15P type (tandem blades) plug cap.
IC Compliance Notice This Class B dig ital apparatus meets all req uirements of the Canadian Interf erence-Causing Eq uipment Reg ulations of ICES-003 . Cet appareil Numériq ue de classe B respecte toutes les ex ig ences du Règ lemont NMB-03 sur les éq uipements produisant des interf érences au Canada.
MPR II Compliance This monitor complies with SWEDAC(MPR II) recommendations f or reduced electric and mag netic f ields.
European Notice (Europe only) Products with the CE Mark ing comply with both the EMC Directive (8 9 /3 3 6 /EEC), (9 2/3 1/EEC), (9 3 /6 8 /EEC) and the L ow Voltag e Directive (7 3 /23 /EEC) issued by the Commission of the European Community. Compliance with these directives implies conf ormity to the f ollowing European Norms: z EN55022:19 9 8 + A1:2000 - Radio Freq uency Interf erence z EN55024 :19 9 8 - Electromag netic Immunity z EN6 1000-3 -2:19 9 5+ A1/A2:19 9 8 - Power L ine Harmonics z EN6 1000-3 -3 :19 9 5 - Voltag e Fluctuations
PCT Notice
VCCI This is a Class B product based on the standard of the Voluntary Control Council f or
Interf erence by Inf ormation Technolog y Eq uipment (VCCI). If this is used near a radio or television receiver in a domestic environment, it may cause radio interf erence. [. . . ] Mercury** Mercury is sometimes f ound in batteries, relays and switches. It damag es the nervous system and is tox ic in hig h doses. The relevant TCO' 9 9 req uirement states that batteries may not contain any mercury. It also demands that mercury is not present in any of the electrical or electronics components associated with the labelled unit. [. . . ]
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