說明書 SAMSUNG ML-1710
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![Mode d'emploi SAMSUNG ML-1710 Mode d'emploi SAMSUNG ML-1710](/images_notices_webp/SAMSUNG/ML-1710/10-09-08-17-32-15-944.webp)
手冊摘要: 使用說明書 SAMSUNG ML-1710
[. . . ] For more details, refer to the infoSMART Knowledge Base at www. xerox. com/officeprinting/infoSMART, Document # 33225.
Parallel Connection
The printer's parallel connection uses a parallel cable to connect your computer's parallel port to the printer's parallel port. Install the printer driver from your printer's software CD-ROM. Select the appropriate LPT parallel port.
Ethernet Connection (recommended)
Use an Ethernet connection with two twisted-pair (Category 5/RJ-45) cables and an Ethernet hub. Connect the computer to the hub with one cable and connect the printer to the hub with the second cable. [. . . ] TCP/IP and EtherTalk are the most common protocols used with Ethernet cables. To print using TCP/IP, each computer and the printer requires a unique IP address. See Setting IP Addresses.
Standalone Use
Use a crossover cable to connect the printer directly to the computer via the Ethernet port.
Setting an IP address
If your computer is on a large network, contact your network administrator for the appropriate TCP/IP addresses and additional configurations. If you are creating your own small Local Area Network, or connecting the printer directly to your computer over Ethernet, use this basic procedure. The printer and computer(s) should have unique IP addresses. It is important that the addresses are similar, but not the same. For example, your printer can have the address 192. 168. 1. 2 while your computer has the address 192. 168. 1. 3. Another device can have the address 192. 168. 1. 4, and so on. For more details, refer to the infoSMART Knowledge Base at www. xerox. com/officeprinting/infoSMART, Document # 18545.
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Note: If you use the installer from your printer's software CD-ROM, the IP Address is set automatically.
To manually set the printer's IP address: 1. At the printer's front panel, select Menus and press OK. Scroll to the Connection Setup Menu and press OK. Click OK and restart Windows, if prompted. From the start menu, right-click Network Neighborhood and select Properties. On the Protocols tab, select TCP/IP Protocol and click Properties. On the IP Address tab, select Specify an IP Address. Enter an IP Address and Subnet Mask in the field and click OK. (If you use the IP address noted above, set a Subnet Mask to 255. 255. 255. 0. ) 4. Page 2 of 3
Installing the Printer Driver
To download the latest printer drivers, access the Xerox web site at: www. xerox. com/officeprinting/support.
Windows 95/98/Me, Windows 2000/XP, and Windows NT 4. x
Install the printer driver from your printer's software CD-ROM. The software CD-ROM installer automatically installs and identifies the printer during the installation process. For more details, refer to the infoSMART Knowledge Base at www. xerox. com/officeprinting/infoSMART, Document # 9178 for Windows 95/98/Me, Document # 36894 for Windows 2000, and Document # 11338 for Windows NT.
EtherTalk If you use EtherTalk, Macintosh computers do not require IP addresses. Verify that the Ethernet port is the selected network port. To install the printer driver, double-click the installer on your printer's software CD-ROM. [. . . ] To install the printer driver, double-click the installer on your printer's software CD-ROM. Open the Chooser, select the LaserWriter driver. From the right column of the Chooser, select the printer. Click Create to create the desktop printer. [. . . ]
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