說明書 SAMSUNG BX2031 用户手册

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   SAMSUNG BX2031 (4828 ko)

手冊摘要: 使用說明書 SAMSUNG BX2031用户手册


[. . . ] O~{^[B%={^ ʖ1p1^hr<h BMDr<` ii  1 > 1U SAMSUNG NetServer LPr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ^HDF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ء. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 7< . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [. . . ] 10.  s PCI  41:4^' SAMSUNG NetServer Navigator CD-ROM m1zЗ Configuration Advisor , Ӥ B'# 1 mWȻ -ɱ 4 T15 W5@ 4!PCI :RR> p  4 4 T15 W7 PCI Ps. З pPs1- PCI Z   7-4 PCI Z 41 7> 11. 1UQc PCI I^ Y+{B^ 6^:Rm` :5 PCI ^ p`7 ^s^b7Z R:]^O 7-1 B` 4 T15 W^2 PCI 4-Ps LPr V B`O 7-5` 13. c PCI R^ 5%^` PCI R@^!Bh{}B`@1R h75ã1LL==-^ pPsã` +1 PCI ^^-` "Ӥ ^-+]^+^UM_Km 5Ӥ` 12. I/O  7-5 PCI c 42 7> PCI 1UQc +Cm^^ % PCI V PCI 2I. ^ B:Rb` ^'F1 IH ؙ Control ›$I+1' Top Tools Administration Guide for Remote ЗMZYԮY MX_$I+<M)$I+B' 1. =[M I/O  IPMI/I C [MJ*` 2 E! >> PCI  %;4 C > IPMI/I C 2 >  7-60c IPMI/I C > 2 43 7> I SAMSUNG NetRAID 1UQc ޜ؛8M؜[M PCI %I+t (DAC)^ C +m< PCI  B^c` ޜشJ LPr mMD.  SAMSUNG NetRAID C@^ PCI LXB! SCSI I+t:R | ^YC`'# 4 ȜHB؜9^ ؜cYCɖ 1. Hm JBM SCSI X SCSI #> SCSI   7-7Kc SCSI #> 44 7> 2. 1UQc SCSI X[M NetRAID  SCSI MJB`/a ^' SAMSUNG NetRAID Series Installation and Configuration Guide SAMSUNG NetRAID P1UD1Q1998 1 :5 PCI 촔 p7 ^s^b7Z R:]O 7-1 *` hc SAMSUNG NetRAID SCSI #>  7-8 SCSI #>> NetRAID hc 45 7> 3. 1UQc 7 I/O ȡ]B SCSI I+JH SCSI X I/O c SCSI # > > 3 SCSI >  7-93 SCSI  u SCSI #> 4. + SAMSUNG NetRAID UԮ;m BJ4p/s SCSI ` 46 7> 5. 1UQc ^ [ 4S SCSI s+J[ww SCSI ؜ E^\D= SCSI $#<$< Es SCSI uYZY` O 7-10 Bp1`7$, B1cE^2 c LPr 7@ s1B`mJ1[wJh[w SCSI [wJ^O 7-9 B` ^'K;Z ;m *` ѡ  7-10>3 SCSI $Q SCSI U15> 47 8 b , I" ! * <J54``J54¶lu*^ !`J54u1*n@c` <JMZ; SAMSUNG NetServer Navigator CD-ROM`u1< Jp4 CD-ROM Ё] BIOS NetServer LPr o ^@` 7V CPU S" ?^U. m5@ LPr  4 Torx T25 W B9 9 7. m#@ NetServerɖ ?8501/8502/8503 M1Z;Z` +!E=1d+!H+!- IN K0 W^%œ`JF^2`JUm7`^ s؅ /`CPU 4c^`J 1m¶j`1`t  SAMSUNG NetServer ^4 lfc` rأ^ c^)1@h1`JuYZYr` 49 8> 1UZ  MZ; ?SAMSUNG NetServer LPr Processor Upgrade Guide SAMSUNG NetServer LPr  ?Q %œS4F^ `J1/` ଶ1 4C`]` +;- (NOS) ;m B^7r¨;V4Ӥ` -<B^ @ SAMSUNG NetServer I+B=-DH` @=-VƵ^^ @3`" "` =-J  [a NetServer <"=L4)@= -a  NetServer LPr 1. 5@ NetServer 1x9# 3 H^8¨ SAMSUNG NetServer LPrɖ W`YBE 48wi= dsE1nF]8^1<Ōw 50 8> A !xII 1. 1UZ  ^I*<J5"M̲;` I VRM 18 <JS")8:RB` h  VRM  h  O  CPU o O  VRM  8-1) CPU ?. ޜ1 51 8> 2. 1UZ  %<J* H{I^ ^s>̲ B1`t 5 41*` o7 ) o7 ) o7 ) o7 ) o7 ) H? 4 o} = %^1MZ;^^Iu1<J5"*K]*n` ^ - m   !5 4 l u  *n ^ H { s  !nm1a%` 4. ଶ  4+ ] – C ; - (NOS) YmBUr¨;8"Ӥ` 2.  -<B^ ( SAMSUNG NetServer I+B=-DH` 71 9> "_1U SAMSUNG NetServer LPr =-J  [= NetServer <"=L^")(= -a` 3. +5@. ^ 4 T25 Torx W72 NetServer LPr Ps. B1E`  1_` 7. m% LPr ^. O 9-13}U ؖ. Wb  9-14 NetServer "_HC 72 9> 6. "_1U SAMSUNG NetServer LPr {ã`  9-15 NetServer [_ 73 10 b >$! #9  }D UPS *J_L_$U=ЗLL==-[MV][M tB` LPr [M\؜^ "_u1=8Q` ^ 4DJ[wBJ_LЗ6U+h1J^ ', t_K *` P ow Inlet er ork N etw anagem >$ M ent P ort U ltra SC SI Ultra SCSI M onitor `  K eyboard  ' M ouse  P arallel  S erial   AA Serial   BB  10-1f_> ^>2 SAMSUNG NetServer LPr ؇. S^•a; J=^M[M B^'. SAMSUNG NetServer LPr _>RX/` ^¶+ l==-J (UPS)^'!_u1 *^ H^ UPS 1H` SAMSUNG NetServer LPr [w=-^ :^r =-r´+!`3QT# ^@B*Z 3Tb^'# 13 Xɖ 75 11 b hI SAMSUNG NetServer LPr ^;J_K SAMSUNG NetServer Navigator CD-ROM`^2 4 CD-ROM  ^ SAMSUNG NetServer LPr` SAMSUNG NetServer Navigator CD-ROM 0 SAMSUNG Navigator  Main MenuG ^)z54m黜` 7B-Ԯ;`54/ D@ ?Configuration Assistant and Installation Assistant`ӤV Ӥ ?SAMSUNG Management SolutionsSAMSUNG %ެ± ?User Preferences 4Cۓ{s B SAMSUNG Navigator 1Gp^ho<B{s╴JЗ Z^Hh{s BIOS B1 @41 SAMSUNG NetServer Navigator CD-ROM 1r b/ 7` NetServer LPr 8 BJ_L=-JMp^^b 7^HD8`^ NetServer LPr  4 ¶ 5^Z41r a^< 1 SAMSUNG 1\؜8uY1' SAMSUNG NetServer Navigator CD-ROM m Configuration Advisor , Ӥ 1 Tested Products List 1ⱖ ^Mu\ SAMSUNG DiagTools SAMSUNG NetServer Navigator CD-ROM m Information Assistant SAMSUNG NetServer Online Documentation CD-ROM m0^;J`^ Configuration Advisor m) -2` 77 SAMSUNG NetServer LPr abC 11 > Readme First File D1 SAMSUNG NetServer LPr ¬$^ lbqOUԮYm^ pc'"1` eject m Readme File]'ko 1. ( power-onH^=- D ( CD-ROM `1 D SAMSUNG NetServer Navigator CD-ROM 5 f @ eject D¨ 4[ CD-ROM `8 4; 1`Ѷ lu^ ( eject h^4+]`^ Ыﱤ24^5 CD-ROM p Ыﱤ2 }B` ¨=-^ 10 *^fr=-`-^ CB: *^` 2.   SAMSUNG Navigator / ` ]  ^ / a User PreferencesX( З^ 4`^H <*] BIOS ` 3. /a Readme File]ko`Readme m6^ ^ SAMSUNG NetServer LPr`HD؛ '` SAMSUNG Configuration AssistantSAMSUNG `Ӥ T^黜; J1ޡ41?Expressv\Custom З Replicatey SAMSUNG Installation AssistantSAMSUNG ؖӤT^^ NOS ^ 4 SAMSUNG ]Ӥ NOS ^ Configuration Assistant 8 Installation Assistant ph Symbios Configuration 4ӤV Setup 4Ӥ^@` ?^힨% SCSI ̲w1{sC"^ xѤ SCSI  SCSI  Symbios Configuration 4 9  1 Symbios Configuration Utilityɖ Configuration Assistant and Installation Assistant 78 11 > D1 SAMSUNG NetServer LPr ǖ Configuration Assistant  Installation Assistant SAMSUNG NetServer Navigator # CD-ROM `m`¨=-^ 10 *^fH^=-`-^^ +*B^` 1. SAMSUNG NetServer Navigator ^^h{I_t Z` +BB^ `<B^^M + BIOS Q 4` 2. [. . . ] Read the instructions for correct operation. . z+ A ޯ= This equipment is in the Class A category information technology equipment based on the rules of Voluntary Control Council For Interference by Information Technology Equipment (VCCI). When used in a residential area, radio interference may be caused. In this case, user may be required to take appropriate corrective actions. Power Line Harmonics This product conforms to the Power Line Harmonics guideline. 109  B 9< 0 The configuration of the server you have purchased may be in either the class A or class B category. A U1 Please note that this equipment has been approved for business purposes with regards to electromagnetic interference, if purchased in error for use in residential area, you may wish to exchange the equipment where you purchased it. B U1 Please note that this equipment has been approved for non-business purposes with regards to electromagnetic interference. This equipment can be allowed for use in all areas as well as residential areas. 110  B <A wρ 0 < 3> This product has been found to comply with CISPR 22 Class B EMC emission limits. Installation and use of a Class A accessory creates a system that meets the requirements for industrial and commercial environments. However, in a domestic environment, this product may cause radio interference, in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures. {< Qn This SAMSUNG NetServer LC 3 Product is approved under approval number NS/G/ 1234/J/100003 for indirect connection to Public Telecommunication Systems in the UK. 111  B *" {k DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY according to ISO/IEC Guide 22 and EN 45014 Manufacturer's/Supplier Name: Manufacturer's/Supplier Address: declares, that the product Product Name: Model Number (s): Product Options: conforms to the following Product Specifications: Safety: EMC: IEC 950:1991+A1, A2, A3, A4 / EN 60950:1992+A1, A2, A3 CISPR 22:1993 / EN 55022:1994 EN 50081-1:1992 - Generic Emission EN 50082-1:1992 - Generic Immunity IEC 801-2:1991, 4 kV CD, 8 kV AD IEC 801-3:1984, 3 V/m IEC 801-4:1988, 0. 5 kV Signal Lines, 1 kV Power Lines FCC Title 47 CFR, Part 15 Network Server SAMSUNG NetServer LPr ALL Hewlett-Packard Company 5301 Stevens Creek Blvd. Santa Clara, CA 95052 USA 0 Supplementary Information: 1) The Product was tested in a typical configuration with Hewlett-Packard peripherals. [. . . ]

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