說明書 SAMSUNG B2430H
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手冊摘要: 使用說明書 SAMSUNG B2430H
[. . . ] ࣠൵ಇޮൔႬՒї࠾d ᆇ ุࠧ֩ఇ ෴܈භ ވӅ ӯൢఇ དႏ ܈භ֩ഉ їdֿุࠧ֩ٞӅ࣋ ቘҙ्ĩѭ҆ցњ Apple ᆱ ಮग़ࠋᆄd Apple ؗᆇླྀӅ֩ྣୃࠋൔႬ҆ۄ ڹᄷd Ы Ӆ ࣠ Dolby Laboratories ྼ ग़ᇉ ᄳd Dolby c Pro Logic ވඤ D ހڜൢ Dolby Laboratories ֩ഉїd܈ ऻ֩ࠓᇻቘĩ© 1992–1997 Dolby Laboratories, Inc. Do not attempt to disassemble the cabinet containing the laser. The laser beam used in this product is harmful to the eyes. The use of optical instruments, such as magnifying lenses, with this product increases the potential hazard to your eyes. [. . . ] The use of optical instruments, such as magnifying lenses, with this product increases the potential hazard to your eyes. For your safety, have this equipment serviced only by an Apple-authorized service provider.
Because of the optical disc drive in your computer, your computer is a Class 1 laser product. The Class 1 label, located in a user-accessible area, indicates that the drive meets minimum safety requirements. A service warning label is located in a service-accessible area. The labels on your product may differ slightly from the ones shown here.
Class 1 label
Service warning label
Ы༦҆ൢຽၟ༳ӊ֩ފҤቘػഥ࠽֩ķᄡކሑᇆc ٪ࠓ֡ࠋݸྔ༦ĩࠋ ᆄ०ᇓܹᇉ༦ၟࠧఇ෴ಭމฯൽӊފĩ ༦֩ܧᅴߺ֡ᇅඹຫc ಪപഈࠋݡ ᇛ֩ߐࣦ௩ߎd
༳૯ൢႹܵഥᇆࡶॆ֩܁ቘߐࣦ֩၆ླุྀ൙d ൔႬࡳވԬ३ϴൌĩඤ࡞ဵ٦ෂd ഌшވఱшႏྜྷӲ၆۵պჃᆴ࢜֩࢜؋ĩ൱ ຨވ൱ᅫպᇅӲ၆์ᆴཐd
ᄡࠐࡳࠋൔႬԬ३ϴൌ൱ᆻဵౢԬĩ ඤ൱ވ൱ᆻႏАӿ٦ෂd ҆ဵϠଛᆻठ౻ᄡ൱ ᅫ༳d
࣠ӌۃё၆༳൱֩ሬൡၟщ૫ெ়d ᄡْ࡛҆ؒ֩Ҥቘᆱޮĩ ႹླྀႬ߀ߺۏ ֢൱c൱ຨࠋ൱ш҆dೆݘ൱c൱ຨࠋ൱шԟཇનྣาࠋ҆ĩ౬ལފ۰֩ࡶ ॆሉࡉሪd ݾൔႬग़۞ࢯל؋֩ቚၙĩտႹࡘػܩඁ֩ॐРd לᆠၙሴ֩۞؋ĩൔպ ٦ĩඤ࢚٦ᄡֽ૯ഌdቚၙॐРႏᆪӮР֩༳Ҋ ĥဩҊĦ d౬ҙᅺᇉᄳഉ֩ථ ĩ۸ऐስപྜྷၙࢯלРd ୡग़ୃྷဵၙ۞לሴĩ ൔఱшވ൱ეࡳӲ֖֩࢜؋d ೆݘᆇဦୡ֩ඤ࢚ى ٦ᄡֽϴഌĩग़ၟႬ۞؋ވ࢜ग़࢚ۨ֩לϴࢀ࢚d ୡွग़ၟࢊֲሡ૯ĩᆇ ဦऀ҆ྷဵ࢚ਘdߒႹ၆ᇙٞىൢൔႬࡳࡓеሡ૯ֲ֩܁ቘd
ೆݘୡൔႬທҊඎїĩ౬ࢀඎїეࡳᇆჃ၆۞؋಼ၢҤቘֽ֩ٞd ࢯלཅ൙࢜؋ĩ ࣔഖ࿐ܿވ߀ࠋܿ֫רທٕܿ֩ഡd ೆלݘᆠཅ൙ൌჟ ֢৳ĩ౬҆ဵీྟלᆠdཅ൙չऻ࢜؋҆ୃӕ ݚ130 ؋d ֖ୡ ࢀ ՚၆۵ ܁ቘ ֽၑ ֢၆ ۵ ܁ቘֽࠋ ᆄ ܁ቘߐ ࣦ֩֫ ܿႹෲ ۃё ൌĩୡग़ၟདႏֽלᆠཅ൙֩؋d ౬٤ໝອᅣ www. apple. com/about/ergonomicsd
Apple Computer, Inc. ၜ࣠ၭ֢ႹᄷಭࢀӅ֩ҤቘވӅЫപࣦߐؗᄳӲ֩႙ཝ ࢊ֢dႹܵྔأۻ༓ĩ౬٤ໝອᅣ www. apple. com/environment/summary. htmld
आሢ Internet
Internet Internet
֖ୡ൲Օగ ײMac OS X ൌĩ qഥᇆᇽড়rߺϾᇽୡൿೊ Internet னᇆྔ༓dೆݘୡ ൔႬ qഥᇆᇽড়rণ னᇆ Internet ৹ࢨĩᄹग़ၟޮൔ Ⴌ qອഥᇆᇽড়rণ னᇆ ĥ౬ҙᄋֿ 117 ှ qൔႬອഥᇆᇽড়ࡽ৯৹ࢨr Ħ dೆݘୡ࿎ᄸ҆ൔႬ qອഥᇆᇽড়r ĩᄹग़ၟൔႬЫڼ੧ᇓุྔ֩܆༓ণ൱ࡽײ৯৹ࢨd ᄗปሷਭ؇ Internet आķ Â ܼะ DSL غሧकغ౸ࡩྮਏغሧकغ౸आķݚၟขອ৹ࢨᇄ ISP ุ ֩܆၆ᇙฯൽלᇉࢷלచd
802. 11g  ཏྮआķ ࠋఇ෴ 802. 11bc ݚAirPort Extreme ࠒᅣcAirPort Expressc ٤ໝཐࢨೊd  १ᄹ་ (LAN)ķݚၟขອ৹ࢨᇄउმອdՒ৹ࢨӌႬჃ܁ቘӊෲd
 ӏߞआķ৹ࢨᇄທҊלᇉࢷלచĩػທҊלᇉࢷלచ߉ݚཐ৹ࢨᇄా ഌ֩߉Ұ२d आന Internet ಏ؇ቻ҃ķ 1 ལ Internet ڟ༄ุ܆ഉ (ISP) ധ౬ᅯ߀d 2 ౬՚ ISP ࠋອܹড়ჸԭ൰ࠦୡෲྷဵ֩৹ࢨྔ༓d౬ҙᄋ༳၆Ҋٷq൰ࠦྷဵ֩ ྔ༓r ၟਘࢷૈᇙ৹ࢨྜෲྷဵ֩ྔ༓d ୡग़ၟࢀྔ༓ᆴࢨྃᄡ༳૯֩ှഌၟ ѐҙ्ĩಚޮᄡ qഥᇆᇽড়rᇓൿೊᆇླྀྔ༓d ೆݘ၆໎ᇆ֩၆ၜ࣠৹ࢨᇄ Internet ĩᄹୡွग़ၟൔႬ֩ഥᇆd ႓ᅿ Mac OS X تங൪Ԓᇕᇥ࿖ඃሤķ  չऻ q༦ძᇆr֩ qອr૯ϴd
 ՚ qཅ൙r֔ԟ൘Җ֊ᇓ࿎ಀ৹ࢨٞ൘d  ॎСୡ֩னᇆྔ༓d ႓ᅿ Windows تங൪Ԓᇕᇥ࿖ඃሤķ Windows ഌ֩৹ࢨྔ༓٦ᄡਊ۵ֽٞd  ႓Ԓᇕ IP ؛መߦኒ་ၥĩ౬չऻ qອ ވInternet ৹ࢨr३ᇉ૯ϴd  ႓Ԓᇕᄊࠞᇍཱࠞĩ౬չऻ qႬ߀ᅯ߀r३ᇉ૯ϴd
ĩ 3 ೆݘୡဵൔႬທҊלᇉࢷלచĩ৬ೆ Apple USB Modem לᇉࢷלచĥ֊൶ટĦ ౬ࢀҰೊ MacBook ഌ֩ USB ؎५ĩಚޮൔႬ߉ཐ ĥڼտĦࢀלᇉࢷלచ৹ ࢨᇄాഌ֩ ߉Ұ२dೆݘୡൔႬ ֩ൢ DSL לᇉࢷלచࠋཐ לᇉࢷלచĩᄹσ ᅺלᇉࢷלచڼտ֩ථࢀఇ৹ࢨᇄd 4 గײĩಚޮᄡ qഥᇆᇽড়rᇓൿೊྔ༓ণனᇆ Internet ৹ࢨd ቡೆݘୡၜ࣠గײਘĩൔႬ qഥᇆᇽড়rণனᇆ Internet ৹ࢨĩᄹ౬ ҙᄋֿ 117 ှ qൔႬອഥᇆᇽড়ࡽ৯৹ࢨr d
ୡग़ၟ ࢀ ISPcອ ܹড় ჸࠋఇ ෴ ྔ֩܆ุ ༓ๅྃ ᄡ༳૯ ֩ှ ഌĩಚޮᄡ qອഥᇆᇽড়rᇓൿೊᆇླྀྔ༓d ႓੍ࣛࠧتӏߞआĩೊࢄႽྑཱķ Â ڟ༄ุ܆ഉӯ Â Ⴌ߀ࠋᅯ߀ӯ Â ખ Â ISP ހ߉ખ Â Х࿎ހ߉ખ Â ѱչທཐ֩ሷܷ
१ᄹ་ࡩ AirPort Extreme ཏྮआĩ ೊ ႓੍ࣛ DSL غሧकغ౸ྮਏغሧकغ౸ ာೞႤሷआڼබĥതӤላ႓ာೞஉሷआڼබĩ ೊ်༻྄ໆޗᅖࡩ ISP Ħ ķ Â ൱ײ Â ൔႬ DHCP ĥײฃᇺࠓனᇆོၴĦѭ൱ײഥֽᆺ Â ൔႬ DHCP Â ൔႬ BootP Â PPP ĥོؗၴĦ ೆݘୡ҆ॠႏۂൔႬଫᇙٞ൘ĩᄹ qൔႬ DHCPrग़ୃൢ۵҆մ֩࿎ᄸĩၽຽອ ߺስײຽୡุ܆պأхྷ֩ྔ༓d ೆݘୡ࿎ᄸਘ q൱ײrࠋ qൔႬ DHCP ѭ൱ײഥ IP ֽᆺr ĩ౬൰ࠦၟ༳ྔ༓ķ Â IP ֽᆺ
 ሴອဇખ  Ⴒచֽᆺ ቡೆݘୡ࿎ᄸਘ qൔႬ DHCP ѭ൱ײഥ IP ֽᆺr ĩᄹ҆ྷဵሴອဇખވႲ చֽᆺd ೆݘୡ࿎ᄸਘ qൔႬ DHCP r ĩ౬൰ࠦၟ༳ग़࿎ྔ༓ ĥ౬ໝ ISP ୡൢဵྷڒᆇླྀ ྔ༓Ħ ķ  DHCP फ़߀ ID  DNS ڟ༄చ
ĥၟขອഌོ֩ؗၴĦ ĩ౬൰ࠦၟ༳ग़࿎ྔ༓ķ ೆݘୡ࿎ᄸਘ qPPPoEr  ڟ༄ุ܆ഉ  ᅯ߀ӯ  ખ  PPPoE ڟ༄ӯ ၟ༳ྔ༓ൢग़࿎֩d౬ໝୡ֩ ISP ࠋ༦ܹড়ჸॅୡൢဵྷڒᆇླྀྔ༓d  DNS ڟ༄చ  მ  ցড়ڟ༄చ
൰֢ࠦ ISP ࠋອܹড়ჸุ֩܆ฯഥᇆྔ༓ޮĩୡग़ၟൔႬqອഥᇆᇽড়rࡽ ৯৹ࢨĩࠋᆄୡग़ၟ൱ײൿೊྔ༓d ೆݘୡᄡ൲ Օగ ײMacBook ൌൔႬ qഥᇆᇽ ড়rণனᇆ Internet ഥᇆĩᄹग़ၟ ෟൌൔႬ qອഥᇆᇽড়rণனᇆ Internet ৹ࢨࠋۃۻഥᇆd ႓ᄊ q་૰ඃሤቛr ķ 1 ࿎ಀ Apple () > q༦ძᇆr d 2 σ qອr ĩಚޮσ qལ֡r d 3 σ qᇽড়rչऻ qອഥᇆᇽড়r d
4 σᅺଢᆻ൙࣍ྟҤቘd d౬࿎ಀ qϾᇽr> qMac Ⴙܵࡽ৯ Internet ৹ࢨ֩ྔأۻ༓ĩग़ҙᄋqMac Ͼᇽr Ͼᇽr ĩಚޮ් q৹ࢨᇄ Internet r d
႓ාِෝനཱķ d 1 ౬չऻ q༦ძᇆr > qອr 2 σᅺୡဵࡽ৯֩৹ࢨྜĩ՚ qཅ൙r֔ԟ൘Җ֊ᇓ࿎ᄸѭഥᇆ࿎ཟd  ൔႬၟ༳၆ᇙனᇆ֩ཐלᇉࢷלచc DSL לᇉࢷלచࠋउმອ৹ࢨķ  ාِķೆݘൔႬ൱ײனᇆĩᄹ ISP ࠋອܹড়ჸߺุࣥ܆ฃ IP ֽᆺވୡဵᄡ qອrძᇆᇓൿೊ֩ఇ෴ྔ༓d  ᄊ qِቘࡱఇሤ࿚გr (DHCP)ķҔႬ DHCP னᇆĩ DHCP ڟ༄చߺስײຽ ୡൿೊྔ༓d
 ᄊqႽ་൪؇ئٵئ࿚გr(PPPoE)ķೆݘൔႬ DSL לᇉࢷלచѭྷဵႬ߀ ӯވખণ৹ࢨᇄ Internet ĩ౬ໝୡ֩ ISP ၟऩൢڒႏۂൔႬ PPPoE ࣍ྟ ৹ࢨd  qོؗၴr(PPP) ֩ѱހທҊלᇉࢷלచ৹ࢨdൿೊᅯ߀ӯވખcހ߉ ખࠧఇ෴ྔ༓d  AirPort Extreme ཐ৹ࢨķୡग़ၟൔႬ q AirPort ഥᇆᇽড়rণனᇆୡ֩ AirPort Extreme ອ ވInternet ৹ࢨĩۂᇽড়໎Ⴣq/ ႏႬӵ࿁ / Ⴌӵ࿁ /r໗ࡵࡇᇓd
d 3 ೆݘୡྷဵ࣍၆҈֩Ͼᇽĩ౬σ qལ֡r
ೆݘᄡࡽ৯ Internet ৹ࢨൌჟ֢ઔٔĩୡग़ၟӋ൯ЫҊٷᇓ֩҈ᇫĩࠋᆄൔႬqອ ᆔؒr d ႓ᄊ q་૰ᇲٰr ķ 1 ࿎ಀ Apple () > q༦ძᇆr d 2 σ qອr ĩಚޮσ qལ֡r d 3 σ qᆔؒrչऻ qອᆔؒr d 4 σᅺଢᆻ൙࣍ྟҤቘd ೆ ݘqອᆔؒr҆ୃࢷऩໝูĩᄹग़ୃൢӋ൯৹ࢨ֩ Internet ڟ༄ุ܆ഉ (ISP)c ࠋᆄႬণ৹ࢨ ISP ֩ທҊഥХࠋӋ൯٤ໝ֩ڟ༄చكഷਘໝูdୡွग़ၟӋ൯ၟ༳ ҈ᇫd
DSL לᇉࢷלచࠋउმອ (LAN) ৹ࢨᇄ Internetĩ ೆݘୡ҆ୃൔႬཐלᇉࢷלచc ౬ҙᄋၟ༳ථ࣍ྟҤቘd ეלᇉࢷלచདܵ֩ථ҆ႬჃउმອႬ߀dउმອႬ߀ग़ୃႹࠦ ཐచߔࠓႲ చࠋᆄ৹ࢨ֭ĩ ػཐלᇉࢷלచ ࠋ DSL לᇉ ࢷלచႬ߀ ಓૄႹᆇླྀഥХdउმອႬ߀ႏۂ৷༦෴ૐ֩ອܹড়ჸ҆ػൢ ISP d ࣁԒتਏߦتᅙ ಖАෲႹ֩לᇉࢷלచၜ৹ࢨݾĩ Ћগלᇉࢷלచ჻ཐc ৹ࢨלᇉࢷלచ ֩ވၟࠧ৹ࢨלᇉࢷ לచాވഌҰ५ ֩dࡣҴၟขອࠦ ཐచވႲ చ֩৹ࢨވ჻d
ྗޓҠᅾחঙغሧकغ౸Ӌܑ༬غሧकغ౸ჹ࣓ ڳ໎לᇉࢷלచࠋཐלᇉࢷלచ֩჻ĩ ٞىൢࢀלᇉࢷלచܵтٷᇖĩ ಚޮ ᄠऻగdଚླྀ ISP ߺୡϝ༳לᇉࢷלచ֩჻ཐdೆݘୡ֩לᇉࢷלచႹڳ ໎σ୪ĩᄹग़ၟᄡչऻࠋܵтלᇉࢷלచᆱఱࠋᆱޮσ༳Ւσ୪d
ೆݘୡ҆ୃൔႬ PPPoE ৹ࢨᇄୡ֩ ISPĩ౬༹ࡣҴވ჻ĩಚޮܵтלᇉࢷל చѭᄠՕչऻĩၟڳ໎לᇉࢷלచႛࡵdಚޮĩࡣҴq༦ძᇆr֩qອr ૯ϴ֩ഥᇆd ႓ࣁԒ q྄ໆᅉሤrඃሤķ 1 ՚Җ֊ধᇓ࿎ಀ Apple () > q༦ძᇆr d 2 σ qອr d 3 ՚ qཅ൙r֔ԟ൘Җ֊ᇓ࿎ಀ qອ؎५னᇆr d 4 ࢀ qୁࡽၟขອrຄၑ֢ q؎५னᇆrਝњ֩ഌٞd 5 ՚ qཅ൙r֔ԟ൘Җ֊ᇓ࿎ಀ qୁࡽၟขອr d
6 σ qPPPoEr d 7 ࿎ᄸ q৹ࢨൔႬ PPPoEr d 8 ࡣҴ qᅯ߀ӯrধ໎ĩಖАୡᆢಖൿೊਘ ISP ุྔ֩܆༓d 9 ೆݘୡ࿎ಀխԩખĩ౬ᄠՕࡳೊખၟಖАᆢಖd 10 σ qTCP/IP r dಖАᄡۂ૯ϴᇓᆢಖൿೊਘႲ ISP ุྔ֩܆༓d 11 σ qཇᄡႏႬr d
ೆݘୡႹਊࠋဵأۻཞ၆۵ Internet ৹ࢨĩಖАୡ֩ອၜഥᇆᆢಖdୡ d ྷဵᆭ֥ୡ֩ ISP ൢุ܆၆۵ IP ֽᆺĩߒൢุأ܆۵ IP ֽᆺ ĥૈ၆۵Ħ ೆݘᆾႹ၆۵ IP ֽᆺĩᄹхྺ ൔႬ၆۵ग़ၟཞ৹ࢨ֩ Ⴒచĩွӯຽອֽᆺ ላߔ (NAT) ࠋ qIP masqueradingr dႹܵഥᇆ֩ྔ༓ĩ౬ҴᄋႲచڼտ֩໗ۤࠋ ལࡽ৯ອ֩ಪჸሪdAirPort Extreme ࠒᅣग़ШႬჃᄡأᆱ࡛ཞ၆۵ IP ֽᆺdႹܵൔႬ AirPort Extreme ࠒᅣ֩ྔ༓ĩ౬ҴᄋଢϾᇽࠋ٤ໝ Apple AirPort ອᅣ www. apple. com/airportextremed ೆݘୡൔႬᆇླྀ҈ᇫߒൢ҆ୃࢷऩໝูĩ౬৷༦ୡ֩ ISP d
Internet आӤሀԪݟdགྷܠതߧඃሤ๓ļ Internet ৹ࢨႹᇙ҆֩ྜd৬ೆĩୡग़ၟלݚᇉࢷלచc DSL לᇉࢷלచ ৹ࢨcཐ AirPort ৹ࢨࠋၟขອ֭࣍ྟ৹ࢨdୡྷဵᄡ Mac OS X ᇓൿೊႹܵ৹ ࢨྜc Internet ڟ༄ุ܆ഉࠋᆄອ֩ऒྔ༓dனᇆ৹ࢨֿ֩၆҈ൢ൰ࠦୡ֩ ৹ࢨྜෲྷ֩ྔ༓d ဵҴᅷୡྷဵ֩ྔ༓ࠋೆމனᇆୡ֩৹ࢨྜ֩ථĩ ౬ҙ ᄋֿ 113 ှڼ੧ C q৹ࢨᇄ Internetrdୡ֩ഌ֩ qഥᇆᇽড়rႏႬӵ࿁ွग़ ၟϾᇽୡຟӲ Internet ৹ࢨ֩ഥᇆdչऻ q༦ძᇆrѭσ qອr dσ qལ ֡rσ୪ণչऻ qອഥᇆᇽড়r d
തߧඃሤחშࡱļ๓ᄲགྷ؇ MacBook ࢻചૹļ ༹۸ऐչႊࠓڼտ֩ථণ৹ࢨչႊࠓѭρሑೌࡵdࢨ༳ণĩչऻ q༦ძᇆr ĩ ಚޮσ qչႊეԲᆋrїdൔႬ qչႊეԲᆋr૯ϴণனᇆ MacBook ၟ٤ໝ չႊࠓdᄡ qMac Ͼᇽrᇓĩୡग़ ၟᅷ֢պႹܵഥᇆչႊࠓ֩ྔ༓ ĥ՚Җ֊ধ ᇓ࿎ಀ qϾᇽr > qMac Ͼᇽr ĩѭ් qչႊࠓr Ħ dွग़ၟҙᄋֿ 48 ှ q৹ ࢨչႊࠓr d ೆݘչႊࠓ ҆ୃརძ֩ମဦ ܁ቘĩ౬ࡣҴᇉᄳഉ ֩ອှণࠊ֨֩ ྑۻչႊࠓ౾ ײdӌণࢇĩႹྑ֩չႊೌࡵग़܆༳ᄟd ೆݘୡࢀչႊቘ၀كෆᇄչႊࠓĩػૄႹչႊĩ౬ݚσ Dock ഌ֩չႊࠓ їণҴॅչႊቘ၀ൢ ڒၜ๘ᆼࠋၜᄤ๘d ĥೆ ݘDock ᇓૄႹཅ൙ۂїĩ౬չऻ q/ ႏႬӵ࿁ / Ⴌӵ࿁ /r໗ࡵࡇᇓ֩ qչႊࠓഥᇆႬӵ࿁r ĩಚޮ৹σչႊࠓ ֩ӯd ĦೆۂݘչႊࠓԷ५ཅ൙ qቘ၀ၜ๘ᆼr ĩ౬σ qऻൗቘ၀rσ୪dೆ ݘቘ၀ӯஙьཅ൙ qᄤ๘rĩ౬࿎ᄸۂቘ၀ӯѭσ q߯ڳrၟࡃ࿇չႊಭ ༄dೆݘչႊቘ၀ႲჃ࠳ඐմ༆ػ๘ᆼĩ ୡग़ၟԦԟմ֩ቘ၀ĩٞىൢ࿎ᄸۂቘ ၀ѭσ qԦr dಚޮୡग़ၟᄠՕӋ൯չႊۂቘ၀d Mac OS X च୍වതߧݟ؇ļ Mac OS X ֩ྑႬ߀ӌӌ҆ᆭ֥ೆމᆷྟଚླྀฯ֩ಭ༄d qMac ϾᇽrൢҴᅷ Mac OS X ྔ༓֩ ݾራ჻dୡग़ၟᅷ֢ຽྑႬ߀c՚ Windows ላߔݚণ֩Ⴌ߀ވ ՚ Mac OS 9 ഺ࠭֩Ⴌ߀ุ֩܆ೊႈ֡ථdᄡଢרҊ֩Җ֊ধᇓĩ࿎ಀ qϾ ᇽr > qMac Ͼᇽrণչऻ qMac ϾᇽrdᛖযۂϾᇽᇓਝԟ֩ྑ Mac OS X Ⴌ߀ ྔ༓dႬ ߀ ྚ ۏಃ֩ ྼࠒ أЫ ಭ༄ ണ ࠧ Finderĩෲ ၟୡ ွग़ ၟ൯ ൯ ් Ⴙܵ qFinderrٞ૯֩ᇺูd
തߧ MacBook ت՟؇تݤඪࢹԫႤ࿖ļ ֖ୡ൲ՕൔႬԁൌ၆ؗဵఇ࣍ྟིም ĥ౬ҙᄋֿ 23 ှ qིምԁr Ħ dୡग़ ၟൔႬqࢯୃచrძᇆ૯ϴᆻᄡأӍൌ࡛ޮ࣍ೊඨ૨ሕฃࠋൔཅ൙ёτĩ ၟՒࢯ഼ԁdչऻ q༦ძᇆrѭσ qࢯୃచrїd࿎ಀຽୡ֩ൔႬ ྜ֩ྟ࣍ػႮ߈ഥ ᇆdൔႬທ຺ഥХ ĥೆ՚ ֨ࠊ჻֩ႛĦွߺ෮؏ ԁ֩ൔႬൌ࡛d ୡग़ၟؒऻᆇླྀഥХၟࢯ഼ԁd ୡွग़ၟܗઝࡊڼԁၟѐ ᄡࢤֲൌ֢ߔۻᇓdႹܵࢯ഼ԁ֩ྔأۻ༓ĩ౬ҙᄋֿ 77 ှ qਘ ࢷԁࢯୃr d ᅿޝ௯ِ౸ሱ੶ۄႤᇈޝ௯ĩ সවଢᄗഋߧڳჭd തߧላޝ௯ව۰ᄲགྷ؇ޝ௯ ِ౸ࢻചļ σ༳ܿԟࡳ (C) ԟܿd Apple ༏ೊ൘ܿ౾ײచ࣋ᆪӿᆴࣩຽ 12 ૠ֩ ܿd٨їምܿވ٨ჹྜྷܿ҆ୃᄡܿۂ౾ײచᇓൔႬdႹܵ٨їምܿ֩ ྔأۻ༓ĩ౬٤ໝ Apple Service & Support ĥڟݘ༄ე࠳ඐᆪӿĦອᅣ www. apple. com/support ѭ් qnonstandard discsr ĥ٨їምܿĦ d ࢀ٨їምܿҰೊܿ౾ײచᇓߺ෩ߎ౾ײచd തߧࣞႤݓӨྣභ౸ĩتࡱĩࡩ້ჷႰआགྷ؇ MacBook?1 ऻగທҊཅ൙చࠋ႙ၒd
2 ಖАཅ൙చၜ࣠৹ࢨᄡທҊ႙ၒࠋཅ൙చഌd
3 ൔႬފ֩னచࢀཅ൙చཐ৹ࢨ֢ୡ֩ MacBook ķ a ೆݘୡࢀທҊഥХ৹ࢨ֢ DVI ࢨ५ĩ౬ൔႬ Apple Mini-DVI to DVI Adapter னచ ĥ֊൶ટĦ d b ೆݘୡࢀທҊഥХ৹ࢨ֢ VGA ࢨ५ĩ౬ൔႬ Apple Mini-DVI to VGA Adapter ன చ ĥ֊൶ટĦ d c ೆݘୡࢀທҊഥХ৹ࢨ֢ S-video ࢨ५ĩ౬ൔႬ Apple Mini-DVI to Video Adapter னచ ĥ֊൶ટĦ d ୡ֩ MacBook ࢀስࡣײҭທҊཅ൙చĩ൮ࠓĩࠋ႙ၒd 4 ݚൔႬ q༦ძᇆr֩ qཅ൙చr૯ϴࠋҖ֊ধᇓ֩ཅ൙చሕฃҖ֊ণלᆠທ Ҋཅ൙చ֩ٷѓੵd
Ⴙܵ৹ࢨཅ൙చވఇ෴ഥХ֩ྔأۻ༓ĩ౬ҙᄋֿ 65 ှ qൔႬທҊ൮ᆪӿr d ༏੶ୃdതߧሹඃୃļ ဵᇛഥખĩ՚ڼ տ֩ೌࡵρሑܿగ ײdᄡ qρሑӵ࿁rչऻޮĩ౬ ՚Җ֊ধᇓ࿎ಀ qρሑӵ࿁r > qᇛഥખr dσᅺଢᆻ൙࣍ྟҤቘd གྷາۦൣቩਁ੶ĩӋಱ MacBook ฝࠎຍһກdᇥවሀԪྥ࿂ૹļ MacBook ၜШഥ࠽Ӳ ᄒྟൌАӿስ പᄡρಊ֩໕ ؋ཏ؋ୁdڈഅӿ ࿇ᄒላĩАӿ MacBook ᄡᆢӌ໕؋༳ᄒྟdMacBook ּҊߺёಧĩၽຽШഥ࠽ຽ՚ּक़ಧd ᆇൢᆢӌ֩dႹܵྔأۻ༓ĩ౬ҙᄋֿ 106 ှ qൔႬ MacBookr d
ჭᄊՓဟࡩ Mac OS X ฝࠎݟӤሀԪdགྷပ႓ሹПቯ Mac OS X ૹļ ᄡࢷऩໝู֩ݚӵᇓĩ ୡྷဵ߱շ۵ໝูĩ ೆۂໝูൢڒሽൢكഷჃฯ֩ႏႬ ӵ࿁cໝูൢ ڒეҤቘ༦དܵ ࠋᆄൢڒൢႲჃ ଚ۵Ⴙໝู֩ႛ ࡵႈఓdρሑᆱ ఱĩ౬༹ҙᄋֿ 89 ှ qၔ ସࢷշrϾᇽୡٷ༉ ໝูd Apple ွᄡ Apple Service & Support ĥڟ ݘ༄ე࠳ඐ ᆪӿĦອᅣ www. apple. com/support ഌุ܆ਘ ྼأႬჃ ࢷ ऩໝ ู ֩ ࠳ ඐථ ࡽ ވၴdೆ ݘୡ ಖ хྺ ᇛ ྑ ρ ሑ Mac OS Xĩୡ ग़ၟ ᄡ ֿ 96 ှ qᇛྑρሑڼտ֩ೌࡵrᇓҴᅷདܵථd གྷᅿ MacBook ൪Пቯ੶ႤݓჭᄊՓဟĩව๓ฝ ࠎӤᅰdགྷჭܠஉ਼ျ ќቛļ ౬ҴᄋෟۂႏႬӵ࿁ڼտ֩໗ۤਘࢷႹܵೆ֨ࠊމᆪӿ֩ྔ༓d ӌĩ ᇉᄳഉᆭ ֥෴ૐ֩ೌࡵग़ୃߺԟཇ֩ӌࡲໝูĩ ѭߺุࢷ܆ऩٞχވग़ၟᆴࢨൔႬ֩ྑۻd ೆݘୡ֩ႏႬӵ࿁҆ൢ Apple Ӆĩᄹୡྷဵᆴࢨ৷༦ᇉᄳഉၟࠊ֨֩ݾᆪӿd
Communications Regulation Information
FCC Compliance Statement
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. See instructions if interference to radio or television reception is suspected. L‘utilisation de ce dispositif est autorisée seulement aux conditions suivantes: (1) il ne doit pas produire de brouillage et (2) l’utilisateur du dispositif doit étre prêt à accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique reçu, même si ce brouillage est susceptible de compromettre le fonctionnement du dispositif. This device complies with RSS 210 of Industry Canada.
Wireless Radio Use
This device is restricted to indoor use due to its operation in the 5. 15 to 5. 25 GHz frequency range to reduce the potential for harmful interference to cochannel Mobile Satellite systems. Cet appareil doit être utilisé à l'intérieur.
Bluetooth Europe–EU Declaration of Conformity
This wireless device complies with the specifications EN 300 328, EN 301-489, and EN 60950 following the provisions of the R&TTE Directive.
Exposure to Radio Frequency Energy
The radiated output power of the AirPort Extreme technology is below the FCC radio frequency exposure limits. Nevertheless, it is advised to use the wireless equipment in such a manner that the potential for human contact during normal operation is minimized.
Europe - EU Declaration of Conformity
The equipment complies with the RF Exposure Requirement 1999/519/EC, Council Recommendation of 12 July 1999 on the limitation of exposure of the general public to electromagnetic fields (0 Hz to 300 GHz). This equipment meets the following conformance standards: EN300 328, EN301 893, EN301 489-17, EN60950 Hereby, Apple Computer, Inc. , declares that this 802. 11a/ b/g Mini-PCIe card is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC. Complies with European Directives 72/23/EEC, 89/336/EEC, 1999/5/EC See http://www. apple. com/euro/compliance
FCC Bluetooth Wireless Compliance
The antenna used with this transmitter must not be collocated or operated in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter subject to the conditions of the FCC Grant.
Bluetooth Industry Canada Statement
This Class B device meets all requirements of the Canadian interference-causing equipment regulations. Cet appareil numérique de la Class B respecte toutes les exigences du Règlement sur le matériel brouilleur du Canada.
Korea Statements
VCCI Class B Statement
Singapore Wireless Certification
Taiwan Wireless Statements
External USB Modem Information
When connecting your MacBook to the phone line using an external USB modem, refer to the telecommunications agency information in the documentation that came with your modem.
ENERGY STAR® Compliance
As an ENERGY STAR® partner, Apple has determined that standard configurations of this product meet the ENERGY STAR® guidelines for energy efficiency. The ENERGY STAR® program is a partnership with office product equipment manufacturers to promote energyefficiency. Reducing energy consumption of office products saves money and reduces pollution by eliminating wasted energy.
Taiwan Class B Statement
Disposal and Recycling Information
The backlight lamp in this product contains mercury. Dispose according to local, state, and federal laws. For information about Apple’s recycling program, go to www. apple. com/environment/summary. html ت՟ཱ ౬۸ऐֽ֖֩ߐА݃ىԭড়ԁd Deutschland: Das Gerät enthält Batterien. [. . . ] Reducing energy consumption of office products saves money and reduces pollution by eliminating wasted energy.
Taiwan Class B Statement
Disposal and Recycling Information
The backlight lamp in this product contains mercury. Dispose according to local, state, and federal laws. For information about Apple’s recycling program, go to www. apple. com/environment/summary. html ت՟ཱ ౬۸ऐֽ֖֩ߐА݃ىԭড়ԁd Deutschland: Das Gerät enthält Batterien. Diese gehören nicht in den Hausmüll. [. . . ]
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