說明書 SAMSUNG B2230H
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手冊摘要: 使用說明書 SAMSUNG B2230H
[. . . ] BY USING THE SAMSUNG SOFTWARE, YOU ARE AGREEING TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS LICENSE. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THIS LICENSE, DO NOT USE THE SOFTWARE. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THE LICENSE, YOU MAY RETURN THE SAMSUNG SOFTWARE TO THE PLACE WHERE YOU OBTAINED IT FOR A REFUND. IF THE SAMSUNG SOFTWARE WAS ACCESSED ELECTRONICALLY, CLICK “DISAGREE/ DECLINE” . [. . . ] Because some of the content on the Internet consists of material that is adult-oriented or otherwise objectionable to some people or viewers under the age of 18, the results of any search or entering of a particular URL using the Apple Software may automatically and unintentionally generate links or references to objectionable material. By using the Apple Software, you acknowledge that Apple makes no representations or warranties with regard to any sites or information displayed by or accessed through the Apple Software, or any web services performed by the Apple Software in relation to such sites or information. Apple, its o∑cers, a∑liates and subsidiaries shall not, directly or indirectly, be liable, in any way, to you or any other person for the content you receive using the Apple Software or for any inaccuracies, errors in or omissions from the content. Financial information displayed by the Apple Software is for general informational purposes only and is not intended to be relied upon as investment advice. Before executing any securities transaction based upon information obtained through the Apple Software, you should consult with a financial professional. Neither Apple nor any of its content providers guarantees the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of stock information appearing within the Apple Software. The Apple Software may be used to conduct automated translations. As automated translations are performed by software tools and do not involve any human intervention or verification, it is not advisable to rely upon such translations where absolute accuracy is required. Backup functions performed by the Apple Software are only carried out at certain times and are subject to hardware limitations such as drive storage capacity. Apple and its licensors reserve the right to change, suspend, remove, or disable access to any Services at any time without notice. In no event will Apple be liable for the removal of or disabling of access to any such Services. Department of Commerce Denied Person’s List or Entity List. By using the Apple Product, you represent and warrant that you are not located in any such country or on any such list. The Apple Software and related documentation are “Commercial Items” , as that term is defined at 48 C. F. R. §2. 101, consisting of “Commercial Computer Software” and “Commercial Computer Software Documentation” , as such terms are used in 48 C. F. R. §227. 7202-1 through 227. 7202-4, as applicable, the Commercial Computer Software and Commercial Computer Software Documentation are being licensed to U. S. Government end users (a) only as Commercial Items and (b) with only those rights as are granted to all other end users pursuant to the terms and conditions herein. Unpublished-rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States. This License will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California, as applied to agreements entered into and to be performed entirely within California between California residents. This License shall not be governed by the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, the application of which is expressly excluded. If for any reason a court of competent jurisdiction finds any provision, or portion thereof, to be unenforceable, the remainder of this License shall continue in full force and e∂ect. This License constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the use of the Apple Software licensed hereunder and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous understandings regarding such subject matter. [. . . ] Apple 已经提供对某些第三方软件的访问(作为 Apple 软件包的一部分),以方便阁下。就 Apple 软件 含有第三方软件来说,Apple 没有为该等软件提供任何技术支持或其他支持的明示或默示义务。请直接 与适当的软件厂商或制造商联系,以获取与其软件和产品相关的技术支持和客户服务。 F. (c) 除用于管理开放源组件的使用的适用许可条款或适用法律明示允许之外,阁下不得复制、反汇编、 倒序制造、拆装、修改 Apple 软件或其任何部分,或制造其衍生作品。Apple പ࣓Ӌۆ༛ᄊᄡԂߤඃ ජcົࡩߖࡱۈ྄ໆcৄሱ࣮ົޗሧ྄ໆcඕୣ༝՝ࡱ౸ࡩ๓ඃ҃ڙඃ࢛ĩႽሣ Apple പ࣓؇ච ઔࡘሣท༉cഈඈ൦ࡩၚሹ؇འራࡩॄ็d G. 如果您要使用“设置/迁移助理”将软件从一台带有 Apple 标签的计算机传输到另一台带有 Apple 标签 的计算机,请记住一旦副本已经传输到另一台计算机,继续使用原来的软件会被禁止,除非您在两台计 算机上都有该软件的许可副本。您应当检查相关的软件许可协议,以了解适用的条款和条件。 3. ቩഀd阁下不得出租、租赁、借出、再分发或再许可 Apple 软件,但阁下可将阁下对 Apple 软件的一 切许可使用权一次性地永久转让予另一方(按 Apple 提供之原件),条件是:(a) 转让内容必须包括全 部 Apple 软件,包括其所有组成部分(Apple Boot ROM 代码和固件除外)、原载体、印刷品及本许可 证;(b) 阁下不得保留 Apple 软件的全部或部分复制本,包括储存于计算机或其它存储装置的复制本;及 (c) 接受 Apple 软件的一方已阅读并同意接受本许可证的条款和条件。阁下不得出租、租赁、借出、再分 发、再许可或转让上述第 2D 部份所述任何曾作修改或更换的 Apple 软件。Apple 软件的所有组件都是以 捆绑方式出售的一个部分,不得从该捆绑软件中分开及作为独立应用软件分发。随带有 Apple 标签的特 定硬件产品一起提供的 Apple 软件,可能无法在其他型号的带有 Apple 标签的硬件上运行。 更新版本: 如 Apple 软件更新版本完全取代(完全安装)其先前获许可版本,阁下不得同时使用该两个 Apple 软件版本,亦不得予以分开转让。
NFR(非转售用)和评估副本:本许可证内即使有其它条款规定,按促销或非转售基础贴上标签或以其 它方式提供给阁下的 Apple 软件只能用于演示、测试及评估目的,不得转售或转让。 Apple 系统恢复副本:Apple 硬件包附带的或由 Apple 连同 Apple 硬件包一起提供的恢复 CD 或 DVD,包 含 Apple 软件的副本,仅供用于诊断和恢复目的。这些 CD 和 DVD 只可作为 Apple 硬件包的一部分进行 转售或转让。 学术版本: 如套装 Apple 软件贴有学术用标签或如阁下以学术界折扣购买 Apple 软件,阁下必须是符合 资格的教育界最终用户才能使用 Apple 软件。“符合资格的教育界最终用户”是指在教育机构设施(即 大专院校、公立或私营 K-12 学校)上课和/或工作的学生、教员、职工和管理人员。 4. [. . . ]
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