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[. . . ] However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. You can determine whether your computer system is causing interference by turning it off. If the interference stops, it was probably caused by the computer or one of the peripheral devices. If your computer system does cause interference to radio or television reception, try to correct the interference by using one or more of the following measures: Â Turn the television or radio antenna until the interference stops. [. . . ] A service warning label is located in a service-accessible area. The labels on your product may differ slightly from the ones shown here.
energy-efficiency. Reducing energy consumption of office products saves money and reduces pollution by eliminating wasted energy.
Disposal and Recycling Information
The backlight lamp in this product contains mercury. Dispose according to local, state, and federal laws. For information about Apple’s recycling program, go to www. apple. com/environment/summary. html ت՟ σᅺֽ֖֩ߐА݃ԭড়ൔႬ֩ݚԁd Deutschland: Das Gerät enthält Batterien. Diese gehören nicht in den Hausmüll. Sie können verbrauchte Batterien beim Handel oder bei den Kommunen unentgeltlich abgeben. Um Kurzschlüsse zu vermeiden, kleben Sie die Pole der Batterien vorsorglich mit einem Klebestreifen ab. Nederlands: Gebruikte batterijen kunnen worden ingeleverd bij de chemokar of in een speciale batterijcontainer voor klein chemisch afval (kca) worden gedeponeerd.
Class 1 label Service warning label
Exposure to Radio Frequency Energy
The radiated output power of AirPort Extreme is far below the FCC radio frequency exposure limits. Nevertheless, it is advised to use the wireless equipment in such a manner that the potential for human contact during normal operation is minimized.
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ົላ؛״؇ݦࠧتต Ⴙ ླྀ ܈߉භဵĩ֖फ़ ߀ࢀלᇉ ࢷלచࢨ ೊ෴ ૐ֩ཐൌĩхྺุఱᆭֽ֖֩ϻ൝ԭd Information You Need in the United States The internal modem complies with Part 68 of the FCC rules. On the back of this equipment is a label that contains, among other information, the FCC registration number and ringer equivalence number (REN). The Department does not guarantee the equipment will operate to a user’s satisfaction. Before installing this equipment, make sure that you are permitted to connect to the facilities of the local telecommunications company. Be sure you use an acceptable method of connection to install the equipment. In some cases, you may extend the company’s internal wiring for single-line individual service by means of a certified telephone extension cord. Be aware, however, that compliance with these conditions may not prevent degradation of service in some situations. Repairs to certified equipment should be made by an authorized Canadian maintenance facility designated by the supplier. Any equipment malfunctions or repairs or alterations that you make to this equipment may cause the telecommunications company to request that you disconnect the equipment. In Canada, contact Apple at: 7495 Birchmount Road, Markham, Ontario, L3R 5G2, 800-263-3394 Warning: Users should ensure for their own protection that the electrical ground connections of the power utility, telephone lines, and internal metallic water pipe system, if present, are connected together. This precaution may be particularly important in rural areas. Users should not attempt to make such connections themselves, but should contact the appropriate electric inspection authority or electrician. Â Load number: 0. 1 The load number (LN) assigned to each terminal device denotes the percentage of the total load to be connected to the telephone loop that is used by the device, to prevent overloading. [. . . ] To provide compliance with the Australian Communications Authority’s technical standards, please ensure that the following AT commands are maintained: Â ATB0 (ITU/CCITT operation) Â AT&G0 (no guard tone) Â AT&P1 (33/66 pulse dial make/break ratio) Â ATS0 = 0 or ATS0 = 1 (no answer or answer greater than one ring) Â ATS6 = 95 (DTMF period between 70–255 ms) Â ATS11 = 95 (DTMF period between 70–255 ms) For calls that are automatically generated, a total of three call attempts are allowed to a telephone number, with a minimum period between calls of 2 seconds. If the call does not connect after three attempts, 30 minutes must expire before automatic redialing may be initiated. Failure to set the modem (and any associated communications software) to the above settings may result in the modem being non-compliant with Australian telecommunications standards. Under these circumstances a user could be subject to significant penalties under the Telecommunications Act 1997. [. . . ]
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