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[. . . ] ֩ڟ༄ї࠾d Bluetooth® ໗ሷї࠾ވїᇁ݆ Bluetooth SIG, Inc. ࣠ྼग़ޮൔႬՒї࠾d Intel ވIntel Core ൢ Intel Corp. ၜၭ֢ႹᄷಭࢀӅ֩ҤቘވӅЫപࣦߐؗᄳӲ֩႙ཝࢊ ֢dႹܵྔأۻ༓ĩ౬٤ໝອᅣ www. apple. com/environment/summary. htmld
੶क Apple ߦॄ
ྣභ౸ לᆠཅ൙చ֩໎ᇆĩၟѐ֖ୡᄡࡳఱ૯ൌĩଢ֩רҊֲჃୡ֩ට൮ཐd ཅ൙చეဈࣙᆱ࡛֩ओႲୡ ऩĩ҆ݚպأಪеࢤ༣ߏ 45 ᇄ 70 ૠ ĥ18 ᇄ 28 ႋծĦ֩ओdלᆠཅ൙చ֩ Әལĩၟࣔग़ୃഖ࿐ܿވ ܿ֫רე߀ທܿཐ ᄡଢഌٕ֩ഡd
ૅܚB ρಊcൔႬވАဥྔ༓
Ⴗ ݾൔႬग़۞ࢯל؋֩ቚၙĩտႹࡘػܩඁ֩ॐРd לᆠၙሴ֩۞؋ĩൔպ ٦ĩඤ࢚٦ᄡֽ૯ഌdቚၙॐРႏᆪӮР֩༳Ҋ ĥဩҊĦ d౬ҙᅺᇉᄳഉ֩ථ ĩ۸ऐስപྜྷၙࢯלРd ୡ҆٢ൔႬ ၆۵ࡳࡓֲ Ⴣ܁ቘ૯֩ ܁ቘĩࠋᆄၙ۞לሴ ֩۞؋ĩၟѐᄡ Ҥቘ ࡳൌ ఱш ވ൱Ӳ ၆۵ ֖֩ ࢜؋dೆ ݘᆇဦ ୡ ֩ඤ࢚ ى٦ᄡ ֽϴ ഌĩᄹग़ၟႬ۞ ؋ވ࢜ग़࢚ۨ֩ לϴࢀ࢚ dୡွग़ၟࢊֲ ሡ૯ĩᆇဦऀ҆ ྷဵ࢚ਘd
ૅܚB ρಊcൔႬވАဥྔ༓
෬ҵ ౬ࢀඎїეࡳ٦ᇆᄡ၆۞؋ѭ಼ၢҤቘֽ֩ٞd ࣑௯ ൔႬࡳൌĩඤ ࡞ဵ٦ෂdഌш ވఱшႏྜྷӲ၆۵ պჃᆴ࢜֩ ࢜؋ĩ൱ຨވ൱ ᅫպᇅӲ၆ ์ᆴཐdࡳೊൌ൱ ᆻဵౢԬĩඤ൱ވ൱ ᆻဵ٦ෂd҆ဵϠ ଛᆻठ౻ᄡ ൱ᅫ༳d ࣠ӌۃё၆༳൱֩ሬൡၟщ૫ெ়d ᄡْ࡛҆ؒ֩Ҥቘᆱޮĩ ႹླྀႬ߀ߺۏ ֢൱c൱ຨࠋ൱ш҆dೆݘ൱c൱ຨࠋ൱шԟཇનྣาࠋ҆ĩ౬ལފ۰֩ࡶ ॆሉࡉሪd ځݙཱ ౬٤ໝອᅣ www. apple. com/about/ergonomics/d
ૅܚB ρಊcൔႬވАဥྔ༓
ிসႽᄊ Mac mini ਁ᜴༅༝་cݕఖᄘߦࢧ ഈڡฤتኒᄑ࣓Ⴝࢅົ Internet फථඪ੯ມd ೊᄊྑ୍؇ཱਁआሢ Internetd
֖ୡ൲Օగ ײMac OS X ൌĩ qഥᇆᇽড়rߺϾᇽୡൿೊ Internet னᇆྔ༓dೆݘୡ ൔႬ qഥᇆᇽড়rণ னᇆ Internet ৹ࢨĩᄹग़ၟޮൔ Ⴌ qອഥᇆᇽড়rণ னᇆ ĥ౬ҙᄋֿ 83 ှ qൔႬອഥᇆᇽড়ࡽ৯৹ࢨr Ħ d आሢ Internet ᄗปሷڼබķ  ܼะ DSL غሧकغ౸ࡩྮਏغሧकغ౸आķݚၟขອ ވISP ุ֩܆ ၆ᇙฯൽלᇉࢷלచ৹ࢨᇄ Internet d  AirPort Extreme ཏྮआķൔႬ AirPort Express ࠒᅣcAirPort Extreme ࠒᅣࠋ၆ ۵ཐອၟཐٞ൘ࢀ৹ࢨᇄ Internet d  १ᄹ་ (LAN)ķൔႬၟขອࢀࢨೊउმອdՒ৹ࢨӌႬჃ܁ቘӊෲd
आሢ Internet
 ӏߞआķࢀທҊלᇉࢷלచҰೊ ֩USB ؎५ (d) ᇓĩಚޮൔႬ߉ཐࢀۂ לᇉࢷלచ৹ࢨᇄాഌ֩߉Ұ२d ᅿआሢ Internet ሏಏĩிပ႓ķ 1 ౬՚ ISP ࠋອܹড়ჸԭ൰ࠦୡྷဵ֩৹ࢨྔ༓d౬ҙᄋ༳၆Ҋ ֿٷ81 ှ q൰ࠦ ྷဵ֩ྔ༓r ĩၟਘࢷૈᇙ৹ࢨྜෲྷဵ֩ྔ༓dୡग़ၟࢀྔ༓ᆴࢨྃᄡ༳૯֩ ှഌၟѐҙ्ĩಚޮᄡ qഥᇆᇽড়rᇓൿೊᆇླྀྔ༓d ೆݘ၆໎ᇆ֩၆ၜ࣠৹ࢨᇄ Internet ĩᄹୡग़ୃွग़ၟൔႬ֩ഥᇆd ႓ᅿ Mac OS X تங൪Ԓᇕᇥ࿖ඃሤķ  չऻ q༦ძᇆr֩ qອr૯ϴd  ՚ qཅ൙r֔ԟ൘Җ֊ᇓ࿎ಀ৹ࢨٞ൘d  ॎСୡ֩னᇆྔ༓d ႓ᅿ Windows PC ൪Ԓᇕᇥ࿖ඃሤķ Windows ഌ֩৹ࢨྔ༓٦ᄡਊ۵ֽٞd  ဵҴᅷ IP ֽᆺވሴອဇખĩ౬չऻ qອ ވInternet ৹ࢨr३ᇉ૯ϴd  ဵҴᅷႬ߀ᅯ߀ྔ༓ĩ౬չऻ qႬ߀ᅯ߀r३ᇉ૯ϴd
ૅܚC ৹ࢨᇄ Internet
2 ೆݘୡൔႬ֩ൢທҊלᇉࢷלచĩ౬ࢀҰೊ ֩USB ؎५ (d) ᇓĩಚޮൔႬ ߉ཐࢀלۂᇉ ࢷלచ৹ࢨᇄాഌ ֩߉Ұ२dೆݘୡ ൔႬ DSL לᇉ ࢷלచࠋཐ לᇉࢷלచĩ౬σᅺלᇉࢷלచڼտ֩ථࢀఇ৹ࢨᇄd 3 ऻగĩಚޮᄡ qഥᇆᇽড়rᇓൿೊྔ༓ণனᇆ Internet ৹ࢨd ൲Օ గ ײMac mini ൌĩೆ ݘൔ Ⴌ qഥᇆ ᇽ ড়rণன ᇆ Internet ഥ ᇆĩ౬ ҙᄋ ֿ 83 ှ qൔႬອഥᇆᇽড়ࡽ৯৹ࢨr d
ୡग़ၟࢀ Internet ڟ༄ุ܆ഉ (ISP) c ອܹড়ჸࠋఇ෴ྔ֩܆ุ༓ྃᄡ༳૯֩ ှഌĩಚޮᄡ qອഥᇆᇽড়rᇓൿೊᆇླྀྔ༓d ႓੍ࣛࠧتӏߞआĩೊࢄႽྑཱķ Â ڟ༄ุ܆ഉӯ Â Ⴌ߀ࠋᅯ߀ӯ Â ખ Â ISP ހ߉ખ Â Х࿎ހ߉ખ Â ѱչທཐ֩ሷܷ
ૅܚC ৹ࢨᇄ Internet
႓੍ࣛ DSL غሧकغ౸ྮਏغሧकغ౸ LAN ࡩ AirPort Extreme ཏྮआķ ൲༹ĩ࿎ಀ ৹ࢨٞ൘ ĥೆ ҆ݘᆭ֥ဵ࿎ ಀଫᇙ৹ࢨٞ ൘ĩ౬ໝ༦ ܹড়ჸ ࠋ ISP Ħ ķ Â ൱ײ Â ൔႬ DHCP ѭ൱ײഥ IP ֽᆺ Â ൔႬ DHCP Â ൔႬ BootP Â PPP ೆݘୡ҆ॠႏۂൔႬଫᇙٞ൘ĩᄹ qൔႬ DHCPrग़ୃൢ҆մ֩࿎ᄸĩၽຽອ ߺስײຽୡุ܆պأхྷ֩ྔ༓d ೆݘୡ࿎ᄸਘ q൱ײrࠋ qൔႬ DHCP ѭ൱ײഥ IP ֽᆺr ĩ౬൰ࠦၟ༳ྔ༓ķ Â IP ֽᆺ Â ሴອဇખ * Â Ⴒచֽᆺ * ĩᄹ҆ ྷဵሴອဇખ ࠋႲచ * ೆ ݘୡ࿎ᄸਘ qൔ Ⴌ DHCP ѭ ൱ײഥ IP ֽᆺr ֽᆺd ೆݘୡ࿎ᄸਘ qൔႬ DHCP r ĩ౬ໝ ISP ൢဵྷڒၟ༳ྔ༓ķ Â DHCP फ़߀ ID Â DNS ڟ༄చ
ૅܚC ৹ࢨᇄ Internet
ೆݘୡ࿎ᄸਘ qPPPr ĥႬჃ PPPoE ৹ࢨĦ ĩ౬൰ࠦၟ༳ྔ༓ķ  ڟ༄ุ܆ഉ  ᅯ߀ӯ  ખ  PPPoE ڟ༄ӯ ၟ༳ྔ༓ग़ୃൢग़࿎֩d౬ໝ ISP ࠋ༦ܹড়ჸൢဵྷڒᆇླྀྔ༓d  DNS ڟ༄చ  მ  ցড়ڟ༄చ
ೆݘୡᄡ൲ Օగ ײMac mini ൌൔႬ qഥᇆᇽ ড়rণனᇆ Internet ഥᇆĩᄹग़ၟ ෟൌൔႬ qອഥᇆᇽড়rণனᇆ Internet ৹ࢨࠋۃۻഥᇆd ႓ᄊ q་૰ඃሤቛr ķ 1 ࿎ಀ Apple () > q༦ძᇆr d 2 σ qອr ĩಚޮσ qལ֡r d 3 σ qᇽড়rչऻ qອഥᇆᇽড়r d 4 σᅺଢᆻ൙࣍ྟҤቘd Ⴙܵࡽ৯ Internet ৹ࢨ֩ྔأۻ༓ĩग़ҙᄋqMac Ͼᇽr d౬࿎ಀ qϾᇽr> qMac Ͼᇽr ĩಚޮ් q৹ࢨᇄ Internet r d
ૅܚC ৹ࢨᇄ Internet
ೆݘୡ֩ Internet ৹ࢨԟཇໝูĩᄹग़ၟӋ൯ՒҊٷᇓ֩҈ᇫd ೆݘୡ֩ୃ҆৹ࢨᇄ Internet ĩ౬ൔႬ qອᆔؒrণࡣҴୡ֩ອഥᇆd
႓ᄊ q་૰ᇲٰr ķ 1 ࿎ಀ Apple () > q༦ძᇆr d 2 σ qອr ĩಚޮσ qལ֡r d 3 σ qᆔؒrչऻ qອᆔؒr d 4 σᅺଢᆻ൙࣍ྟҤቘd ೆ ݘqອᆔؒr҆ୃࢷऩໝูĩᄹग़ୃൢӋ൯৹ࢨ֩ Internet ڟ༄ุ܆ഉ (ISP)c Ⴌণ ৹ࢨ ISP ֩ທ Ҋഥ ХࠋӋ ൯٤ ໝ֩ ڟ༄చ كഷਘ ໝู dୡߒ ग़ၟ Ӌ൯ၟ ༳ ҈ᇫd
ྮਏغሧकغ౸ DSL غሧकغ౸ߦ१ᄹ་ Internet आ
ಖෲႹלᇉࢷלచၜҰࣉĩ Ћগלᇉࢷלచ჻ཐc ৹ࢨלᇉࢷלచވ ֩ၟ ࠧ৹ࢨלᇉࢷלచ ߉ވҰ२֩ dࡣҴၟขອࠦཐచ ވႲచ֩ ৹ࢨވ჻d חঙߦޓҠغሧकغ౸Ⴝࢅܑ༬غሧकغ౸ჹ࣓ ࢀ DSL לᇉࢷלచࠋཐלᇉࢷלచܵтٷᇖĩಚޮᄠऻగdଚླྀ ISP ߺ ୡϝ༳לᇉࢷלచ֩჻ཐd ೆݘୡ֩לᇉࢷלచႹڳ໎σ୪ĩ ᄹग़ၟᄡչऻࠋܵ т჻ᆱఱࠋᆱޮσ༳Ւσ୪d
ૅܚC ৹ࢨᇄ Internet
ೆୃ҆ݘൔႬ PPPoE ৹ࢨᇄ Internet ڟ༄ุ܆ഉĩᄹ౬ಖၜᄡqອrძᇆᇓൿ ೊਘᆢಖ֩ྔ༓d ࣁԒ q྄ໆᅉሤrඃሤķ d 1 ࿎ಀ Apple () > q༦ძᇆr d 2 σ qອr d 3 ՚ qཅ൙r֔ԟ൘Җ֊ᇓ࿎ಀ qອ؎५னᇆr 4 ࢀ qୁࡽၟขອrຄၑ֢ q؎५னᇆrਝњ֩ഌٞd d 5 ՚ qཅ൙r֔ԟ൘Җ֊ᇓ࿎ಀ qୁࡽၟขອr d 6 σ qPPPoEr d 7 ࿎ᄸ q৹ࢨൔႬ PPPoEr 8 ࡣҴ qᅯ߀ӯrধĩಖАୡၜ࣠ᆢಖൿೊਘ ISP ุྔ֩܆༓d 9 ೆݘୡ࿎ಀխԩખĩ౬ᇛྑࡳೊખၟಖАખൢᆢಖ֩d dಖୡᄡՒ૯ϴᇓᆢಖൿೊਘႲ ISP ุྔ֩܆༓d 10 σ qTCP/IP r d 11 σ qཇᄡႏႬr
ૅܚC ৹ࢨᇄ Internet
ಖၟขອ ၜҰೊѭ ࢨೊອdࡣҴၟข ອࠦཐచވႲచ ֩৹ࢨ ވ჻d ೆݘୡႹਊࠋဵأۻཞ၆۵ Internet ৹ࢨĩ౬ಖАୡ֩ອၜᆢಖഥᇆd ୡྷဵᆭ֥ ISP ൢุ࣋܆၆۵ IP ֽᆺĩߒൢุأ܆۵ IP ֽᆺ ĥૈ၆۵Ħ d ೆݘᆾႹ၆۵ IP ֽᆺĩᄹхྺ ൔႬ၆۵ग़ၟཞ৹ࢨ֩ ႲచĩွШӯຽອֽ ᆺላߔ (NAT) ࠋ qIP masquerading rdႹܵഥᇆྔ༓ĩ౬ҴᄋႲచڼտ֩໗ۤĩ ࠋᆄໝ ࡽ৯ອ ֩ಪჸdୡग़ၟ ൔႬ AirPort Extreme ࠒᅣᄡ أ ᆱ࡛ཞ ၆۵ IP ֽᆺdႹܵൔႬ AirPort Extreme ࠒᅣ֩ྔ༓ĩ౬Ҵᄋq Mac Ͼᇽr ĩࠋᆄ٤ ໝ Apple AirPort ອᅣ www. apple. com/airportextreme/d ೆݘൔႬᆇླྀ҈ᇫ҆ୃࢷऩໝูĩᄹႏۂ৷༦ ISP ࠋອܹড়ჸd
ૅܚC ৹ࢨᇄ Internet
Communications Regulation Information
Compliance Statement
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. [. . . ] Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. See instructions if interference to radio or television reception is suspected. L‘utilisation de ce dispositif est autorisée seulement aux conditions suivantes : (1) il ne doit pas produire de brouillage et (2) l’utilisateur du dispositif doit étre prêt à accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique reçu, même si ce brouillage est susceptible de compromettre le fonctionnement du dispositif. Radio and Television Interference This computer equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio-frequency energy. If it is not installed and used properly—that is, in strict accordance with Apple’s instructions—it may cause interference with radio and television reception. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device in accordance with the specifications in Part 15 of FCC rules. These specifications are designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference in a residential installation. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. This device complies with RSS 210 of Industry Canada.
Wireless Radio Use
This device is restricted to indoor use due to its operation in the 5. 15 to 5. 25 GHz frequency range to reduce the potential for harmful interference to cochannel Mobile Satellite systems. Cet appareil doit etre utilise a l’interieur.
Bluetooth Europe–EU Declaration of Conformity
This wireless device complies with the specifications EN 300 328, EN 301-489, and EN 60950 following the provisions of the R&TTE Directive.
European Community
Complies with European Directives 72/23/EEC, 89/336/EEC, and 99/5/EC. See www. apple. com/euro/compliance/.
Exposure to Radio Frequency Energy
The radiated output power of the AirPort Extreme Card in this device is below the FCC radio frequency exposure limits for uncontrolled equipment. This device should be operated with a minimum distance of at least 20 cm between the AirPort Extreme Card antennas and a person’s body and must not be co-located or operated with any other antenna or transmitter.
Europe–EU Declaration of Conformity
The equipment complies with the RF Exposure Requirement 1999/519/EC, Council Recommendation of 12 July 1999 on the limitation of exposure of the general public to electromagnetic fields (0 Hz to 300 GHz). This equipment meets the following conformance standards: EN300 328, EN301 893, EN301 489-17, EN60950. Hereby, Apple Computer, Inc. , declares that this 802. 11a/b/g Mini-PCIe card is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC.
FCC Bluetooth Wireless Compliance
The antenna used with this transmitter must not be colocated or operated in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter subject to the conditions of the FCC Grant.
Bluetooth Industry Canada Statement
This Class B device meets all requirements of the Canadian interference-causing equipment regulations. Cet appareil numérique de la Class B respecte toutes les exigences du Règlement sur le matériel brouilleur du Canada.
Korea Wireless Statement Korea Class B Statement
Singapore Wireless Certification
External USB Modem Information
If you connect your Mac mini to a phone line using an external USB Modem, refer to the telecommunications agency information in the documentation that came with your modem.
Taiwan Wireless Statements
ENERGY STAR® Compliance
As an ENERGY STAR® partner, Apple has determined that standard configurations of this product meet the ENERGY STAR guidelines for energy efficiency. The ENERGY STAR program is a partnership with office product equipment manufacturers to promote energyefficiency. [. . . ] Cet appareil numérique de la Class B respecte toutes les exigences du Règlement sur le matériel brouilleur du Canada.
Korea Wireless Statement Korea Class B Statement
Singapore Wireless Certification
External USB Modem Information
If you connect your Mac mini to a phone line using an external USB Modem, refer to the telecommunications agency information in the documentation that came with your modem.
Taiwan Wireless Statements
ENERGY STAR® Compliance
As an ENERGY STAR® partner, Apple has determined that standard configurations of this product meet the ENERGY STAR guidelines for energy efficiency. The ENERGY STAR program is a partnership with office product equipment manufacturers to promote energyefficiency. Reducing energy consumption of office products saves money and reduces pollution by eliminating wasted energy.
Disposal and Recycling Information
For information about Apple’s recycling program, go to www. apple. com/environment/summary. html.
Taiwan Class B Statement
European Union
VCCI Class B Statement
The symbol above means that according to local laws and regulations your product should be disposed of separately from household waste. [. . . ]
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