說明書 SAMSUNG 510N 用户手册
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SAMSUNG 510N (4289 ko)
手冊摘要: 使用說明書 SAMSUNG 510N用户手册
[. . . ] SyncMaster 710T / 910T / 710N / 910N / 510T / 510N / 512N / 515V / 915V / 712N / 912N / 711T / 912T / 913N / 701T
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ټ EPA/NUTEK/ENERGY 2000 , 1W (μټ )
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ߩѦټ죬 ܣ 1. ټ IBM, 640 x 350 IBM, 640 x 480 IBM, 720 x 400 MAC, 640 x 480 MAC, 832 x 624 VESA, 640 x 480 VESA, 640 x 480 VESA, 800 x 600 VESA, 800 x 600 VESA, 800 x 600 VESA, 800 x 600 VESA, 1024 x 768 VESA, 1024 x 768 VESA, 1024 x 768 (kHz) 31. 469 31. 469 31. 469 35. 000 49. 726 37. 500 37. 861 35. 156 37. 879 46. 875 48. 077 48. 363 56. 476 60. 023 (Hz) 70. 086 59. 940 70. 087 66. 667 74. 551 75. 000 72. 809 56. 250 60. 317 75. 000 72. 188 60. 004 70. 069 75. 029 ?(MHz) 25. 175 25. 175 28. 322 30. 240 57. 284 31. 500 31. 500 36. 000 40. 000 49. 500 50. 000 65. 000 75. 000 78. 750 п (H/V) +/-/-/+ -/-/-/-/-/+/+ +/+ +/+ -/-/+/+ ??
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15 _ D-sub տʣʦ 25W (ΰ x x ) / 338. 0 X 56. 3 X 272. 0 mm (ڱ_ ) 338. 0 X 195. 4 X 342. 5 mm / 3. 0 VESA 75mm x 75mm (ڦ (Arm) ġ) : 50 ~104 (10C ~ 40C) : 10% ~ 80%, : -4 ~ 113 (-20C ~ 45C) : 5% ~ 95%,
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ټ EPA/NUTEK/ENERGY 2000 , 1W (μټ )
μ ( 1W/1. 5W (110Vac/220 Vac) )
ߩѦټ죬 ܣ 1. IBM, 640 x 350 IBM, 640 x 480 IBM, 720 x 400 MAC, 640 x 480 MAC, 832 x 624 VESA, 640 x 480 VESA, 640 x 480 VESA, 800 x 600 VESA, 800 x 600 VESA, 800 x 600 VESA, 800 x 600 VESA, 1024 x 768 VESA, 1024 x 768 VESA, 1024 x 768 (kHz) 31. 469 31. 469 31. 469 35. 000 49. 726 37. 500 37. 861 35. 156 37. 879 46. 875 48. 077 48. 363 56. 476 60. 023 (Hz) 70. 086 59. 940 70. 087 66. 667 74. 551 75. 000 72. 809 56. 250 60. 317 75. 000 72. 188 60. 004 70. 069 75. 029 ?(MHz) 25. 175 25. 175 28. 322 30. 240 57. 284 31. 500 31. 500 36. 000 40. 000 49. 500 50. 000 65. 000 75. 000 78. 750 (H/V) +/-/-/+ -/-/-/-/-/+/+ +/+ +/+ -/-/+/+ ??
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AUSTRALIA : Samsung Electronics Australia Pty Ltd. Customer Response Centre 7 Parkview Drive, Homebush Bay NSW 2127 Tel : 1300 362 603 http://www. samsung. com. au/ BRAZIL : Samsung Eletronica da Amazonia Ltda. Manoelito de Ornellas, 303, Terro B Chacara Sto. Antonio, CEP : 04719-040 Sao Paulo, SP SAC : 0800 124 421 http://www. samsung. com. br/ CANADA : Samsung Electronics Canada Inc. Samsung Customer Care 7037 Financial Drive Mississauga, Ontario L5N 6R3 1-800-SAMSUNG (1-800-726-7864) http://www. samsung. ca/ CHILE : SONDA S. A. Teatinos 550, Santiago Centro, Santiago, Chile Fono: 56-2-5605000 Fax: 56-2-5605353 56-2-800200211 http://www. sonda. com/ http://www. samsung. cl/ COLOMBIA : Samsung Electronics Colombia Cra 9 No 99A-02 Of. 106 Bogota, Colombia Tel. : 9-800-112-112 Fax: (571) 618 - 2068 http://www. samsung-latin. com/ e-mail : soporte@samsung-latin. com ESPAA :
Samsung Electronics Comercial Iberica, S. A. [. . . ] This makes for a high performance product, designed with the user in focus that also minimizes the impact on our natural environment. Some of the features of the TCO'03 Display requirements: Ergonomics Good visual ergonomics and image quality in order to improve the working environment for the user and to reduce sight and strain problems. Important parameters are luminance, contrast, resolution, reflectance, colour rendition and image stability.
Energy z Energy-saving mode after a certain time ?beneficial both for the user and the environment z Electrical safety Emissions
z z
Electromagnetic fields Noise emissions
Ecology The product must be prepared for recycling and the manufacturer must have a certified environmental management system such as EMAS or ISO 14 000 z Restrictions on o chlorinated and brominated flame retardants and polymers o heavy metals such as cadmium, mercury and lead.
The requirements included in this label have been developed by TCO Development in cooperation with scientists, experts, users as well as manufacturers all over the world. Since the end of the 1980s TCO has been involved in influencing the development of IT equipment in a more user-friendly direction. [. . . ]
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