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Mode d'emploi PHILIPS HS8060


   PHILIPS HS8060 (5591 ko)
   PHILIPS HS8060 (5591 ko)



[. . . ] The hygiene status of the shaver will also be analyzed and one of the following cleaning program diodes 5 will light up: «clean» «eco» «normal» «intensive» shaver is clean short economical cleaning required normal level of cleaning required high intensive cleaning required high low empty s ta wash able reset Charging and cleaning the shaver Insert the shaver head down into the cleaning station. (The contacts t on the back of the shaver will align with the contacts 3 in the cleaning station). trimm er s ta rt cleaning clean eco normal intensi ve auto select rt cleaning clean eco normal intensive auto select 13 s ta rt cleaning clean eco normal intensive high auto sele low ct If the station selects one of the required cleaning programs, it will not start unless you press the «start cleaning» button 4. For best shaving results, we recommend cleaning after each shave. Whilst cleaning is in progress, the respective cleaning program diode will blink. [. . . ] Whilst cleaning is in progress, the respective cleaning program diode will blink. Each cleaning program consists of several cycles, where cleaning fluid is flushed through the shaver head and a heat drying process dries the shaver. Depending on the program selected the total cleaning time will range from 32 to 43 minutes. The cleaning programs should not be interrupted. Please note that whilst the shaver is drying, the shaving head may be hot and wet. When the program is finished, the blue «clean» diode will light up. Your shaver is now clean and ready for use. Stand-by mode 10 minutes after completing the charging or cleaning session, the Clean&Renew station switches to the stand-by mode: The diodes of the Clean&Renew station and the shaver display turn off. s ta rt cleaning 14 ble washa clean eco normal intensive auto select Shaver display The shaver display r shows the charge status of the battery. During charging or when using the shaver, the respective green battery segment will blink. When fully charged both charge segments will light up continuously, provided the shaver is switched on or connected to an electrical outlet. Warning: Detach the shaver from the power supply before cleaning the shaver head in water. Rinsing the shaver head under running water is an alternative way to keep the shaver clean, especially when travelling: • Switch the shaver on (cordless) w and rinse the shaver head under hot running water. You may use liquid soap without abrasive substances. Rinse off all foam and let the shaver run for a few more seconds. washable release on er release washable click! trimmer release release washable release release washable new 16 wa sh ab le trim me r • Next, switch off the shaver, press the release button 9 to remove the foil and cutter cassette 8 and let it dry. oil • If you regularly clean the shaver under water, then once a week apply a drop of light machine oil on top of the foil and cutter cassette. Alternatively, you may clean the shaver using the brush provided: • Switch off the shaver. Remove the foil and cutter cassette 8 and tap it out on a flat surface. Using the brush, clean the inner area of the pivoting head. However, do not clean the cassette with the brush as this may damage it. Cleaning the housing From time to time clean the housing of the shaver and the Clean&Renew station with a damp cloth, especially inside the cleaning chamber where the shaver rests. Replacing the cleaning cartridge After having pressed the lift button 2 to open the housing, wait for a few seconds before removing the used cartridge to avoid any dripping. [. . . ] Cleaning the housing From time to time clean the housing of the shaver and the Clean&Renew station with a damp cloth, especially inside the cleaning chamber where the shaver rests. Replacing the cleaning cartridge After having pressed the lift button 2 to open the housing, wait for a few seconds before removing the used cartridge to avoid any dripping. Before discarding the used cartridge, make sure to close the openings using the lid of the new cartridge, since the used cartridge will contain contaminated cleaning solution. washable old Keeping your shaver in top shape Replacing the Foil & Cutter cassette/reset To maintain 100% shaving performance, replace the foil and cutter cassette 8, when the replacement symbol lights up on the shaver display r (after about 18 months) or when cassette is worn. The replacement symbol will remind you during the next 7 shaves to replace the foil and cutter cassette. [. . . ]

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