說明書 LG GR-T3820

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Mode d'emploi LG GR-T3820
手冊摘要: 使用說明書 LG GR-T3820


[. . . ] 的商标或注册商标。Tascam Digital Interface 是商标, Tascam 和 Teac 是 Teac Corporation 的注册商标。Microsoft 和 Windows 是 Microsoft Corporation, Inc. 50 将参数指定到 ENCODER MODE Assign 按钮 . 51 4 模拟 I/O 和 AD 输入部分 . 72 GR-T3820 第 2 版 — 使用说明书 10 目录 7 输入通道 . [. . . ] (Parameter Changes will always be used. ) STATUS DATA 1100nnnn Cn Program change 0nnnnnnn nn Program number (0-127) Formula for converting Control values into parameter data: paramSteps= paramMax - paramMin + 1; add= paramWidth / paramSteps; mod= paramWidth - add * paramSteps; curValue= parm * add + mod / 2; (1) When the assigned parameter can be set in 128 steps or less: paramWidth = 127; rxValue = Control value; (2) When the assigned parameter can be set in 128 through 16383 steps: paramWidth = 16383; (2-1) When both High and Low data are received: rxValue = Control value (High) * 128 + Control value (Low); (2-2) When only Low data is received: rxValue = (curValue & 16256) + Control value (Low); (2-3) When only High data is received: rxValue = Control value (High) * 128 + (curValue & 127); (3) When the assigned parameter can be set in 16384 through 2097151 steps: paramWidth = 2097151; (3-1) When High, Middle, and Low data are received: rxValue = Control value (High) * 16384 + Control value (Middle) * 128 + Control value (Low); (3-2) When only Low data is received: rxValue = (curValue & 2097024) + Control value (Low); (3-3) When only Middle data is received: rxValue = (curValue & 2080895) + Control value (Middle) * 128; (3-4) When only High data is received: rxValue = (curValue & 16383) + Control value (High) * 16384; (3-5) When Middle and Low data are received: rxValue = (curValue & 2080768) + Control value (Middle) * 128 + Control value (Low); (3-6) When High and Low data are received: rxValue = (curValue & 16256) + Control value (High) * 16384 + Control value (Low); (3-7) When High and Middle data are received: rxValue = (curValue & 127) + Control value (High) * 16384 + Control value (Middle) * 128; if ( rxValue > paramWidth) rxValue = paramWidth; param = ( rxValue - mod / 2) / add; 5 MIDI TIME CODE QUARTER FRAME(F1) Reception This is echoed if [OTHER COMMANDS ECHO] is ON. Automix synchronizes this if the data is received at the port specified by the TIME REFERENCE setting. STATUS DATA 1100nnnn F1 Quarter frame message 0tttdddd td Type & data 6. SONG POSITION POINTER (F2) Reception If this is received when the automix TIME REFERENCE setting is MIDI CLOCK, the automix will move to the song position that was received. STATUS DATA 11110010 F2 Song position pointer 0vvvvvvv vv Song position LSB 0vvvvvvv vv Song position MSB 7. TIMING CLOCK (F8) Reception If the automix TIME REFERENCE setting is MIDI CLOCK, this message is used to synchronize automix. This message is transmitted 24 times per quarter note. START (FA) If [NRPN] is selected STATUS 1011nnnn 01100010 0vvvvvvv 1011nnnn 01100011 0vvvvvvv 1011nnnn 00000110 0vvvvvvv 1011nnnn 00100110 0vvvvvvv Bn 62 vv Bn 63 vv Bn 06 vv Bn 26 vv Control changeDATA NRPN LSB LSB of parameter number Control change*1 NRPN MSB MSB of parameter number Control change*1 MSB of data entry MSB of parameter data Control change*1 LSB of data entry LSB of parameter data Reception This message is received if the automix TIME REFERENCE setting is MIDI CLOCK, and will start the automix. In actuality, automix will start when the next TIMING CLOCK is received after receiving the START message. STATUS 11111010 FA Start STATUS DATA STATUS DATA STATUS DATA 9. CONTINUE (FB) Reception This message is received if the automix TIME REFERENCE setting is MIDI CLOCK, and will cause automix to start from the current song position. 11110000 01000011 0010nnnn 01111110 01001100 01001101 00100000 00100000 00111000 01000011 00110101 00110100 01101101 0mmmmmmm F0 43 2n 7E 4C 4D 20 20 38 43 35 34 6D mh System exclusive message Manufacture's ID number (LG) n=0-15 (Device number=MIDI Channel) Universal bulk dump 'L' 'M' '' '' '8' 'C' '5' '4' 'm' m=0-99, 256, 8192 (Scene0-99, EDIT BUFFER, UNDO) DATA NAME 0mmmmmmm ml GR-T3820 第 2 版 — 使用说明书 322 EOX 附录 C:MIDI 11110111 F7 End of exclusive 13. 3. 3 Setup memory bulk dump format Of the setup memory of the GR-T3820, this bulk-dumps data other than the User defined layer, User define plug-in, User defined keys, User assignable layer, Control change table, and Program change table. COUNT HIGH COUNT LOW 11110000 01000011 0000nnnn 01111110 0ccccccc 0ccccccc 01001100 01001101 00100000 00100000 00111000 01000011 00110101 00110100 DATA NAME 01010011 00000010 00000000 BLOCK INFO. 0ttttttt F0 43 0n 7E ch cl 4C 4D 20 20 38 43 35 34 53 02 00 tt System exclusive message Manufacture's ID number (LG) n=0-15 (Device number=MIDI Channel) Universal bulk dump data count = ch * 128 + cl 'L' 'M' '' '' '8' 'C' '5' '4' 'S' No. 256 = Current 00110100 01001100 00000000 0bbbbbbb BLOCK INFO. 0ttttttt DATA NAME DATA total block number (minimum number is 0) 0bbbbbbb bb current block number (0-total block number) 0ddddddd ds User defined layer data of block[bb] 34 4C 00 bb tt '4' 'L' b=0-3 (bank no. 1-4) CHECK SUM EOX : : 0ddddddd de 0eeeeeee ee ee= (Invert ('L'+. . . +de)+1)&0x7F 11110111 F7 End of exclusive 13. 3. 6 User defined layer bulk dump request format The second and third bytes of the DATA NAME indicate the bank number. 11110000 01000011 0010nnnn 01111110 01001100 01001101 00100000 00100000 00111000 01000011 00110101 00110100 01001100 00000000 0bbbbbbb 11110111 F0 43 2n 7E 4C 4D 20 20 38 43 35 34 System exclusive message Manufacture's ID number (LG) n=0-15 (Device number=MIDI Channel) Universal bulk dump 'L' 'M' '' '' '8' 'C' '5' '4' total block number (minimum number is 0) 0bbbbbbb bb current block number (0-total block number) DATA CHECK SUM EOX 0ddddddd ds Setup data of block[bb] : : 0ddddddd de 0eeeeeee ee ee= (Invert ('L'+. . . +de)+1)&0x7F 11110111 F7 End of exclusive DATA NAME 4C 'L' 00 bb b=0-3 (bank no. 1-4) F7 End of exclusive 13. 3. 4 Setup memory bulk dump request format STATUS ID No. 11110000 01000011 0010nnnn 01111110 01001100 01001101 00100000 00100000 00111000 01000011 00110101 00110100 01010011 00000010 00000000 11110111 F0 43 2n 7E 4C 4D 20 20 38 43 35 34 53 02 00 F7 System exclusive message Manufacture's ID number (LG) n=0-15 (Device number=MIDI Channel) Universal bulk dump 'L' 'M' '' '' '8' 'C' '5' '4' 'S' No. 256 = Current End of exclusive EOX 13. 3. 7 User defined plug-in bulk dump format The second and third bytes of the DATA NAME indicate the bank number. Be aware that the state of the transmission destination will (in some cases) change if the same bank is being used. COUNT HIGH COUNT LOW 11110000 01000011 0000nnnn 01111110 0ccccccc 0ccccccc 01001100 01001101 00100000 00100000 00111000 01000011 00110101 00110100 DATA NAME 01001001 00000000 0bbbbbbb BLOCK INFO. 0ttttttt F0 43 0n 7E ch cl 4C 4D 20 20 38 43 35 34 49 00 bb tt System exclusive message Manufacture's ID number (LG) n=0-15 (Device number=MIDI Channel) Universal bulk dump data count = ch * 128 + cl 'L' 'M' '' '' '8' 'C' '5' '4' 'I' b=0-7 (bank no. 1-8) DATA NAME EOX 13. 3. 5 User defined layer bulk dump format The second and third bytes of the DATA NAME indicate the bank number. Be aware that the state of the transmission destination will (in some cases) change if the same bank is being used. COUNT HIGH COUNT LOW 11110000 01000011 0000nnnn 01111110 0ccccccc 0ccccccc 01001100 01001101 00100000 00100000 00111000 01000011 00110101 F0 43 0n 7E ch cl 4C 4D 20 20 38 43 35 System exclusive message Manufacture's ID number (LG) n=0-15 (Device number=MIDI Channel) Universal bulk dump data count = ch * 128 + cl 'L' 'M' '' '' '8' 'C' '5' DATA total block number (minimum number is 0) 0bbbbbbb bb current block number (0-total block number) 0ddddddd ds User define plug-in data of block[bb] CHECK SUM EOX : : 0ddddddd de 0eeeeeee ee ee= (Invert ('L'+. . . +de)+1)&0x7F 11110111 F7 End of exclusive GR-T3820 第 2 版 — 使用说明书 Format Details 323 13. 3. 8 User defined plug-in bulk dump request format The second and third bytes of the DATA NAME indicate the bank number. [. . . ] 2002 Version: 1. 0 Remarks MIDI Implementation Chart Transmitted 1–16 1–16 X X ************** X ************** X X X X X Recognized 1–16 1–16 OMNI off/OMNI on X X 0–127 X O O X X X Memorized Mode Memorized Note Number Velocity Effect Control After Pitch Bend Control Change 0-95, 102-119 O O Assignable Prog Change :True# 0–127 ************** O X X X X X X X X X 0–127 0–99 O O X X O O X X O O Assignable *1 System Exclusive System Common System Real Time :Song Pos :Song Sel :Tune :Clock :Commands :Local ON/OFF :All Notes OFF :Active Sense :Reset Automix Automix, Effect Control Aux Messages Notes MTC quarter frame message is recognized (MTC IN & MIDI IN). *1: Bulk Dump/Request, Parameter Change/Request, and MMC. For MIDI Remote, ALL messages can be transmitted. Mode 2: OMNI ON, MONO Mode 4: OMNI OFF, MONO O: Yes X: No Mode 1: OMNI ON, POLY Mode 3: OMNI OFF, POLY For details of products, please contact your nearest Yamaha representative or the authorized distributor listed below. ݇Ѣ৘ѻકⱘ䆺㒚ֵᙃˈ䇋৥ህ䖥ⱘ Yamaha ҷ⧚ଚ៪ϟ߫㒣 䫔ଚ䆶䯂DŽ NORTH AMERICA CANADA Yamaha Canada Music Ltd. [. . . ]

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