說明書 LG GR-L503

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Mode d'emploi LG GR-L503
手冊摘要: 使用說明書 LG GR-L503


[. . . ] • Be sure to connect to an appropriate outlet with a protective grounding connection. Improper grounding can result in electrical shock. Water warning • Do not expose the device to rain, use it near water or in damp or wet conditions, or place containers on it containing liquids which might spill into any openings. If any liquid such as water seeps into the device, turn off the power immediately and unplug the power cord from the AC outlet. Then have the device inspected by qualified Yamaha service personnel. [. . . ] You can download the latest firmware from the “Downloads” page on the following website. http://www. yamahaproaudio. com/ Preparation [MUTE] buttons [POWER] switch Function buttons [ENTER] button [HOME] button Connecting the AC Power Cable • Be sure to turn all devices OFF before connecting AC mains power. CAUTION Switching the Power Status between Standby and On 1. Hold down the panel [HOME] button for at least three seconds. The TXn’s display will show the HOME screen, and then a message of “Turning power on: Are you sure?” or “Going Standby: Are you sure?” will appear. Insert the plug into an AC outlet. Be sure to use an AC outlet of the voltage specified for the device. Turning the Power on and off • To prevent the initial power-on surge from generating a large noise spike or damaging your speaker system, turn the devices on in the following order: audio sources, mixer (such as M7CL or PM5D), and finally power amplifiers. Reverse this order when turning power off. 2. Press the panel [ENTER] button, and the power status will switch between Standby and On. NOTE CAUTION • Standby is a state in which the speaker output’s power amp section is off (operation other than speaker output will continue). 1. Press the front panel [POWER] switch to the “ON” position to turn the power on. Switching Mute on/off Hold down the [MUTE] button of the channel you want to mute for at least one second. The channel’s output will be muted, and the [MUTE] indicator will light. To switch mute off, press the [MUTE] button again for at least one second. 2. Press the [POWER] switch to the “OFF” position to turn off the power. NOTE • The settings at the time you powered-off are remembered. When you turn on the power to the TXn, it will start up with the same settings. Resume” setting to set up the TXn so that at startup it will recall the scene number selected before you turned off the power to the device. • Do not turn off the power while the upper part of the display indicates “Do Not Turn Off!” Otherwise, a malfunction may occur. • A small amount of current is flowing even when the power switch is off. Clears a scene*. *Scene. . . . . . . . . . The settings listed above, such as power Standby/On or mute (with the exception of UTILITY), are called a “scene”. By recalling a scene, the saved settings can be immediately applied to the amplifiers. 10 TX6n/5n/4n Owner’s Manual Audio I/O Settings The TXn can be operated in one of three audio input/output modes: Stereo mode, Parallel mode, or Bridge mode. Make audio input/output connections and settings as follows. NOTE • With the factory settings, if both analog and digital (input from the slot) signals are input simultaneously, the two signal will be mixed and output. This setting can be changed from the panel of the TXn or via Amp Editor. For details on making this setting, refer to “TX6n/5n/4n Reference Manual” or “Amp Editor Owner’s Manual. ” • Use 110-ohm AES/EBU digital cables for digital audio connections. Using analog cables may degrade the sonic quality. Stereo Mode Channels A and B (analog) or channels 1 and 2 (digital) will operate independently in stereo. 5-way binding post connectors Parallel Mode The amplifier will operate as a two-channel monaural amp, with the input signal of channel A (analog) or channel 1 (digital) as the source. Channel B (analog) and channel 2 (digital) will not be used. 5-way binding post connectors – + + – – + + – Total speaker impedance: 2–8Ω Total speaker impedance: 2–8Ω Digital input Analog input Total speaker impedance: 2–8Ω Total speaker impedance: 2–8Ω Digital input Analog input Speakon connectors Speakon connectors Total speaker impedance: 2–8Ω Total speaker impedance: 2–8Ω Digital input Analog input Total speaker Total speaker impedance: impedance: 2–8Ω 2–8Ω Digital input Analog input NOTE • Each of 5-way binding post connectors and Speakon connectors are internally parallel-connected. When using both connectors simultaneously, total speaker impedance of each connector must be 4–16 Ω. NOTE • Each of 5-way binding post connectors and Speakon connectors are internally parallel-connected. When using both connectors simultaneously, total speaker impedance of each connector must be 4–16 Ω. TX6n/5n/4n Owner’s Manual 11 Audio I/O Settings Bridge Mode The amplifier will operate as a monaural high-power amp, with the input signal of channel A (analog) or channel 1 (digital) as the source. 5-way binding post connectors 2. Use the encoder A to move the cursor (the blinking frame) to “General, ” and press the [ENTER] button. 3. [. . . ] [Analog Input B] 5 [Speaker Processor] ADC Pol. XOver Delay PEQ Level MUTE Limiter MUTE Protection ADC DAC Att. Amp [Speaker Output B] [Speaker Processor] Level Pol. XOver Delay PEQ Level MUTE Limiter MUTE Protection ADC DAC Att. [. . . ]

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