說明書 LG GR-F21DA

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Mode d'emploi LG GR-F21DA
手冊摘要: 使用說明書 LG GR-F21DA


[. . . ] 0 dBu 0. 775 V rms General Specifications / CH High Pass Filter 80 Hz, 12 dB/octave Turn over /roll-off frequency of shelving : 3 dB below maximum variable level. +48 V DC is applied to balanced inputs for powering condenser microphones via 6. 8 k ohms current-limiting/isolation resistors. Comes on when post – GAIN signal level reaches +17 dBu. [. . . ] Comes on when post – GAIN signal level reaches +17 dBu. Comes on when post – GAIN signal level reaches -10 dBu. Power Supply Cord, Euroblock Connectors ( 3P × 8 ), Rubber Feet ( × 4 ), Owner's Manual 25 W 480 mm × 44 mm × 375. 5 mm 4. 7 kg Phantom Power CH PEAK LED CH SIGNAL LED Included Accessories Power Consumption Dimensions (W × H × D) Weight MIC LINE AMPLIFIER 11 ENGLISH Specifications / Input Characteristics / PAD 0 –60 26 3 k ohms 0 –16 26 *1: 0 dBu is referenced to 0. 775 Vrms. *1: 0 dBu 0. 775 Vrms 50 – 600 ohms Mics 600 ohms Lines Gain Actual Load Impedance For Use With Nominal Input Level *1 Nominal –60 dBu (0. 775 mV) –34 dBu (15. 5 mV) –16 dBu (123 mV) +10 dBu (2. 45 V) Max. before Clip –40 dBu (7. 75 mV) –14 dBu (155 mV) +4 dBu (1. 23 V) +30 dBu (24. 5 V) XLR-3-31type (balanced) Connector In Amplifier unit ENGLISH Output Characteristics / Actual Source Impedance For Use With Nominal Output Level *1 Nominal Max. before Clip Connector In Amplifier unit Euroblock connectors (balanced) D-SUB 25P female connector (balanced) 150 ohms 10 k ohms Lines +4 dBu (1. 23 V) +24 dBu (12. 3 V) *1: 0 dBu is referenced to 0. 775 Vrms. *1: 0 dBu 0. 775 Vrms D-sub 25pin Assignment Table / D-sub 25 Signal Hot Cold Output Ch 1 24 12 2 10 23 3 21 9 4 7 20 5 18 6 6 4 17 7 15 3 8 1 14 Open GND 2, 5, 8, 11 , 16, 19, 22, 25 13 1 Pin 13 25 14 Specifications and descriptions in this owner’s manual are for information purposes only. reserves the right to change or modify products or specifications at any time without prior notice. Lot 8, Jalan Perbandaran, 47301 Kelana Jaya, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia Tel: 3-78030900 BRAZIL Yamaha Musical do Brasil Ltda. Rua Joaquim Floriano, 913 - 4' andar, Itaim Bibi, CEP 04534-013 Sao Paulo, SP. BRAZIL Tel: 011-3704-1377 SPAIN/PORTUGAL Yamaha Música Ibérica, S. A. 17, 200, 28230 Las Rozas (Madrid), Spain Tel: 91-639-8888 SINGAPORE Yamaha Music Asia Pte. , Ltd. #03-11 A-Z Building 140 Paya Lebor Road, Singapore 409015 Tel: 747-4374 ARGENTINA Yamaha Music Latin America, S. A. Sucursal de Argentina Olga Cossettini 1553, Piso 4 Norte Madero Este-C1107CEK Buenos Aires, Argentina Tel: 011-4119-7000 SWEDEN Yamaha Scandinavia AB J. Wettergrens Gata 1, Box 30053 S-400 43 Göteborg, Sweden Tel: 031 89 34 00 TAIWAN Yamaha KHS Music Co. , Ltd. Tel: 02-2511-8688 DENMARK YS Copenhagen Liaison Office Generatorvej 6A, DK-2730 Herlev, Denmark Tel: 44 92 49 00 PANAMA AND OTHER LATIN AMERICAN COUNTRIES/ CARIBBEAN COUNTRIES Yamaha Music Latin America, S. A. [. . . ] Wettergrens Gata 1, Box 30053 S-400 43 Göteborg, Sweden Tel: 031 89 34 00 TAIWAN Yamaha KHS Music Co. , Ltd. Tel: 02-2511-8688 DENMARK YS Copenhagen Liaison Office Generatorvej 6A, DK-2730 Herlev, Denmark Tel: 44 92 49 00 PANAMA AND OTHER LATIN AMERICAN COUNTRIES/ CARIBBEAN COUNTRIES Yamaha Music Latin America, S. A. Torre Banco General, Piso 7, Urbanización Marbella, Calle 47 y Aquilino de la Guardia, Ciudad de Panamá, Panamá Tel: +507-269-5311 THAILAND Siam Music Yamaha Co. , Ltd. [. . . ]

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