說明書 LG GR-B571

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Mode d'emploi LG GR-B571
手冊摘要: 使用說明書 LG GR-B571


[. . . ] Failure to follow instructions could void your FCC authorization to use this product in the USA. NOTE: This product has been tested and found to comply with the requirements listed in FCC Regulations, Part 15 for Class “B” digital devices. Compliance with these requirements provides a reasonable level of assurance that your use of this product in a residential environment will not result in harmful interference with other electronic devices. [. . . ] Compliance with FCC regulations does not guarantee that interference will not occur in all installations. If this product is found to be the source of interference, which can be determined by turning the unit “OFF” and “ON” , please try to eliminate the problem by using one of the following measures: Relocate either this product or the device that is being affected by the interference. Utilize power outlets that are on different branch (circuit breaker or fuse) circuits or install AC line filter/s. In the case of radio or TV interference, relocate/reorient the antenna. If the antenna lead-in is 300 ohm ribbon lead, change the lead-in to co-axial type cable. If these corrective measures do not produce satisfactory results, please contact the local retailer authorized to distribute this type of product. If you can not locate the appropriate retailer, please contact Yamaha Corporation of America, Electronic Service Division, 6600 Orangethorpe Ave, Buena Park, CA90620 The above statements apply ONLY to those products distributed by Yamaha Corporation of America or its subsidiaries. (class B) * This applies only to products distributed by LG CORPORATION OF AMERICA. CANADA This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003. Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada. • This applies only to products distributed by Yamaha Canada Music Ltd. BRAZIL Tel: 011-3704-1377 ARGENTINA Yamaha Music Latin America, S. A. Sucursal de Argentina Olga Cossettini 1553, Piso 4 Norte Madero Este-C1107CEK Buenos Aires, Argentina Tel: 011-4119-7000 PANAMA AND OTHER LATIN AMERICAN COUNTRIES/ CARIBBEAN COUNTRIES Yamaha Music Latin America, S. A. Torre Banco General, Piso 7, Urbanización Marbella, Calle 47 y Aquilino de la Guardia, Ciudad de Panamá, Panamá Tel: +507-269-5311 EUROPE THE UNITED KINGDOM Yamaha Music U. K. Sherbourne Drive, Tilbrook, Milton Keynes, MK7 8BL, England Tel: 01908-366700 GERMANY Yamaha Music Europe GmbH Siemensstraße 22-34, 25462 Rellingen, Germany Tel: 04101-3030 RUSSIA Yamaha Music (Russia) Office 4015, entrance 2, 21/5 Kuznetskii Most street, Moscow, 107996, Russia Tel: 495 626 0660 OTHER EUROPEAN COUNTRIES Yamaha Music Europe GmbH Siemensstraße 22-34, 25462 Rellingen, Germany Tel: +49-4101-3030 Kangnam-Gu, Seoul, Korea Tel: 080-004-0022 MALAYSIA Yamaha Music Malaysia, Sdn. , Bhd. Lot 8, Jalan Perbandaran, 47301 Kelana Jaya, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia AFRICA Yamaha Corporation, Asia-Pacific Music Marketing Group Nakazawa-cho 10-1, Naka-ku, Hamamatsu, Japan 430-8650 Tel: +81-53-460-2313 MIDDLE EAST TURKEY/CYPRUS Yamaha Music Europe GmbH Siemensstraße 22-34, 25462 Rellingen, Germany Tel: 04101-3030 OTHER COUNTRIES Yamaha Music Gulf FZE LOB 16-513, P. O. Box 17328, Jubel Ali, Dubai, United Arab Emirates Tel: +971-4-881-5868 Tel: 3-78030900 SINGAPORE Yamaha Music Asia Pte. , Ltd. #03-11 A-Z Building 140 Paya Lebor Road, Singapore 409015 Tel: 747-4374 TAIWAN Yamaha KHS Music Co. , Ltd. Tel: 02-2511-8688 THAILAND Siam Music Yamaha Co. , Ltd. 4, 6, 15 and 16th floor, Siam Motors Building, 891/1 Rama 1 Road, Wangmai, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330, Thailand Tel: 02-215-2626 OTHER ASIAN COUNTRIES Yamaha Corporation, Asia-Pacific Music Marketing Group Nakazawa-cho 10-1, Naka-ku, Hamamatsu, Japan 430-8650 Tel: +81-53-460-2317 ASIA THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Yamaha Music & Electronics (China) Co. , Ltd. [. . . ] 4, 6, 15 and 16th floor, Siam Motors Building, 891/1 Rama 1 Road, Wangmai, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330, Thailand Tel: 02-215-2626 OTHER ASIAN COUNTRIES Yamaha Corporation, Asia-Pacific Music Marketing Group Nakazawa-cho 10-1, Naka-ku, Hamamatsu, Japan 430-8650 Tel: +81-53-460-2317 ASIA THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Yamaha Music & Electronics (China) Co. , Ltd. 2F, Yunhedasha, 1818 Xinzha-lu, Jingan-qu, Shanghai, China Tel: 021-6247-2211 INDIA Yamaha Music India Pvt. 5F Ambience Corporate Tower Ambience Mall Complex Ambience Island, NH-8, Gurgaon-122001, Haryana, India Tel: 0124-466-5551 INDONESIA PT. [. . . ]

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