說明書 HP PHOTOSMART D7200 基本操作指南

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   HP PHOTOSMART D7200 說明 (7057 ko)
   HP PHOTOSMART D7200 基本操作指南 (5773 ko)

手冊摘要: 使用說明書 HP PHOTOSMART D7200基本操作指南


[. . . ]  㖘ₚ ☂♾栚⟮HP Photosmartᇭ  㽷㎞ᤜ ⸘孬拝䲚₼᧨嵚㽷㎞櫾䯉⣷ₙ⒉䚍䤓㦘䞷 岙㋾✛╤䟺ᇭ 5 Do one of the following: • If a prompt appears asking you to select a language, touch the arrows to display your language in the list of up to 25 languages. Touch the desired language, and touch Yes to confirm. Select your country/region, and touch Yes to confirm. • If a prompt appears asking to install ink cartridges, go to the next step in this guide.  ⪆嫛ⅴₚ␅₼₏檔㝜⇫ᤜ ವ  Ⱁ㨫侊倀㙟䯉㌷指♥崭岏᧨嵚㖘丼檼᧨帢㌷䤓 崭岏櫾䯉⦷㦏⮩♾⚺㦘25䲽崭岏䤓䂔⠽₼ᇭ㖘 ₏ₚ㓏榏崭岏᧨䏅㈛㖘ᇷ 㢾ᇸ  拁嫛䭉崜ᇭ指♥ ㌷䤓⦚⹅⦿●᧨䏅㈛㖘ᇷ 㢾ᇸ  拁嫛䭉崜ᇭ ವ  Ⱁ㨫侊倀㙟䯉㌷⸘孬⬷㻃▲᧨嵚懘咂㦻㖖◦₼ 䤓ₚ₏㷴ᇭ 6 Open the access door.  㓢栚ⷧ♥㝚栏ᇭ 7 a a. [. . . ] Equipment needed: USB cable. Use the instructions in Section B if you want an Ethernet cable connection between the HP Photosmart and your network. Equipment needed: router and Ethernet cable.  Ⱁ㨫尐⺖HP Photosmart䦃㘴抲㘴咂㩟♿榊 叵᧨嵚♒劒 A捷⒕ ₼䤓㖖䯉ᇭ 摜尐ℚ檔 ᧶⦷拁嫛Ⓙ A捷⒕ ⃚ⓜ嵚ₜ尐抲  㘴USB儫偩ᇭ  㓏榏岼⌨ᤜUSB儫偩ᇭ  Ⱁ㨫尐䞷Ethernet儫偩抲㘴HP Photosmart✛ ㌷䤓偁恾᧨嵚♒劒 B捷⒕ ₼䤓㖖䯉ᇭ 㓏榏岼⌨ᤜ恾䟀⣷✛Ethernet儫偩ᇭ HP Photosmart D7200 series • 5 A - USB Windows: Mac: a. Turn on your computer, login if necessary, and then wait for the desktop to appear. Insert the green CD and follow the onscreen instructions. IMPORTANT: If the startup screen does not appear, double-click My Computer, double-click the CD-ROM icon with the HP logo, and then double-click setup. exe.  㓢栚榊叵₵䤊⏴ Ⱁ㦘㉔尐 ᧨㘴囦䷘⊨㫛槱⒉ 䚍ᇭ㙡⏴ 倯唁 CD᧨₵∬䏶娱ヤₙ䤓㖖䯉拁嫛㝜 ⇫ᇭ  摜尐ℚ檔᧶ Ⱁ㨫⟮╤䟺槱㼡㦘⒉䚍᧨嵚抲㖘⏸ₚ  ᇷ㒠䤓榊叵ᇸ᧨␜抲㖘⏸ₚ㦘HP㲨崛䤓  ᇷCDROMᇸ⦥䯉᧨䏅㈛抲㖘⏸ₚ ᇷ  setup. exeᇸᇭ IMPORTANT: Purchase a USB cable separately if it is not included. Connect the USB cable to the port on the back of the HP Photosmart, and then to any USB port on the computer.  摜尐ℚ檔᧶ Ⱁ㨫㦹椷棓USB儫偩᧨嵚⠽䗷律 彆ᇭ a.  ⺖86%儫偩₏䵾抲㘴ⒿHP Photosmart卛 槱䤓抲㘴⩯᧨䏅㈛⺖♵₏䵾抲㘴Ⓙ榊叵ₙ 䤓↊⇤₏⊚USB抲㘴⩯ᇭ IMPORTANT: Purchase a USB cable separately if it is not included. Once the USB prompt appears, connect the USB cable to the port on the back of the HP Photosmart, and then to any USB port on the computer. Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the software installation. Go to page 9 to explore your HP Photosmart.  摜尐ℚ檔᧶ Ⱁ㨫㦹椷棓USB儫偩᧨嵚⠽䗷律彆ᇭ b.  ⒉䚍USB㙟䯉㣑᧨⺖USB儫偩₏䵾抲㘴Ⓙ HP Photosmart卛槱䤓抲㘴⩯᧨䏅㈛⺖♵₏䵾抲㘴 Ⓙ榊叵ₙ䤓↊⇤₏⊚USB抲㘴⩯ᇭ c.  ∬䏶娱ヤₙ䤓㖖䯉⸛㒟慮浣⸘孬ᇭ d.  懘咂䶻9檐☂♾䊞屌㌷䤓HP Photosmartᇭ b. Double-click the HP Photosmart CD icon on the desktop. Double-click the HP Photosmart Installer icon. Go to page 9 to explore your HP Photosmart.  抲㖘⏸ₚ㫛槱ₙ䤓ᇷHP Photosmart CDᇸ c.  ⦥䯉ᇭ 抲㖘⏸ₚᇷ HP Photosmart Installer ᇸ⦥ d.  䯉ᇭ∬䏶娱ヤₙ䤓㖖䯉拁嫛㝜⇫ᇭ ⸛㒟ᇷ Setup Assistant ᇸ䟺槱ᇭ e. [. . . ]  ⟞櫛᧶ ⍔拸䞷Windows 㼡㦘䦚尚娱ヤ㙟䯉㌷抲㘴USB儫偩ᇭ  ╤⇫᧶ ♥䀗㓏㦘䟺槱ᇭ♥⒉倯唁HP Photosmart CD᧨␜摜㠿㙡⏴ᇭ嵚♒ 劒 A捷⒕ ᇭ Problem: (Windows only) The Device Setup Has Failed To Complete screen appears. Action: Unplug the device and plug it in again. Make sure the USB cable is plugged into the computer. Do not plug the USB cable into a keyboard or a non-powered USB hub. [. . . ]

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