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Mode d'emploi GENIUS PFA01


   GENIUS PFA01 (216 ko)

手冊摘要: 使用說明書 GENIUS PFA01


[. . . ] Important Notice The Digital Photo Frame has been thoroughly tested to be certain it meets our own exacting quality control standards. Please take a few moments to review the following important information before using it. For your safety CAUTION ‧ TO REDUCE THE RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK, DO NOT REMOVE COVER OR BACK. [. . . ] Do not allow cord to touch hot surfaces. Wrap cord loosely around the unit when storing. The unit should be situated away from direct sunlight or heat sources, such as radiator, electric heaters, heat registers, stoves, or other units (including amplifiers) that product heat. Avoid placing on top of stereo equipment that radiates heat. Never block the air openings of the unit with materials such as a bed or couch, where the air openings may be blocked. Do not carry this unit by cord or use cord as handle. Never operate this unit if it has a damaged cord or plug, if it is not working properly, or if it has been dropped or damaged or drooped into water. If the unit’s power supply cord or plug is damaged, do not attempt to fix it by yourself. To avoid the risk of electrical shock, do not disassemble or attempt to repair the unit. Incorrect repair can cause risk of electrical shock or injury to persons when unit is used. Do not operate in the presence of explosive and/or flammable fumes. 繁體中文 產品介紹 產品特色 z z z z z z z z z z z z 10. 4 吋高畫質數位液晶螢幕並且內建 128MB 記憶體 支援到 2 千萬畫素的照片播放(檔案格式:JPG/BMP) 可選擇單張或是多張照片幻燈播放(最多可同時播放 4 張照片, 由機器 隨機選擇) 九宮格照片預覽(3x3) 直接刪除照片或是將卡片上的照片直接複製到內建記憶體. 當使用複製照片功能時, PF-A01 會自動將照片檔案縮小到最佳畫質並 儲存到記憶體, 所以最多可儲存約 700 張照片. 多種照片幻燈片播放速度: 5sec/10sec/30sec/1min/41hr/2hr/3hr/4hr 支援照片多角度旋轉功能:90°/180°/270° 可播放 MP3 音樂及 Motion-JPEG 影片檔 並有時鐘以及月曆功能 內建喇吧 不同時間的省電模式設定(30 min /1hr /2hr /4hr/8h) MS:~1G CF:~4G MD:~4G Ps. Card capacity: MMC : ~1G SD:~2G 包裝明細 包裝內容明細如下所列, 若有缺漏請立即聯絡經銷商以保護您的權益. PF-A01數位相框 使用手冊 遙控器 USB 傳輸線 立架 電源線 系統需求 (當您連接PF-A01到電腦設備進行檔案傳輸時所需之硬體規格) z z z z z Intel Pentium III 200Hz CPU or above Minimum 40 MB hard disk space available One free USB 1. 1 port or higher USB storage compatible with Windows 2K/XP/Vista, Linux 2. 4. 2 CD-ROM drive 1 繁體中文 產品介紹 產品本體 1. [. . . ] • 多張照片幻燈片播放時間模式 3 / 6 / 12 / 30 秒(按“ENTER”確認. ) • 休眠省電模式 30 分鐘/ 1 小時/ 2 小時 / 4 小時/ 8 小時/ 關閉(按“ENTER”確認) • 音樂重複播放模式 全部 / 單曲 / 關閉 (按“ENTER”確認). • 音量: 1 到 9 (按“ENTER”確認). • 時間及日期設定 日期: YYYY/ MM/ DD 時間: HH: MM: SS 按“ENTER”確認或者按 ◄, ► 鍵來選擇所要修改的項目然後按 ▲, ▼來調整 數值. [. . . ]

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