說明書 EPSON LQ-1600K 4 + LQ-1600K4+ 速查手册

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   EPSON LQ-1600K 4 + LQ-1600K4+ 操作手册 (20223 ko)

手冊摘要: 使用說明書 EPSON LQ-1600K 4 +LQ-1600K4+ 速查手册


[. . . ] HEWLETT-PACKARD SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Hewlett-Packard shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or other damage alleged in connection with the furnishing or use of this information. GOVERNMENT USERS: RESTRICTED RIGHTS COMMERCIAL COMPUTER SOFTWARE: “Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data Clause at DFARS 52. 227-7013. ” 10 If the product does not operate normally, see the electronic user guide. Refer all servicing questions to qualified personnel. 11 Safety Information WARNING! [. . . ] To do so, repeatedly press the numeric button for the letter you need until the letter appears. (See “Using dialing characters” on page 28 for a list of characters. ) Press menu/enter to save the information. 5 To program a one-touch key for alternate long distance If you use an alternate long distance carrier, you can program a one-touch key to dial the service’s access number before a fax number. When you need to use this one-touch key, press it, enter the fax number, and press fax/send. Both the access number and the fax number are then dialed together. If the access number is used almost every time you dial a fax, it might be easier to program the access number as a dialing prefix (see “Inserting a dial prefix” on page 29 for more information). Note Speed-dial codes, one-touch keys, and group-dial codes are more easily programmed from the software (not available in Windows 95). For instructions on programming speed-dial codes, one-touch keys, and group-dial codes using the product software, see the electronic user guide. ENXC About speed-dial codes, one-touch keys, and group-dial codes 25 English To quickly program speed-dial codes or one-touch keys Use this procedure if the access number has more than 10 characters or if you only occasionally use the access number. 1 Follow steps 1 through 6 of “To program speed-dial codes and one-touch keys” on page 23. When entering the fax number, you might also have to do one or both of the following tasks: • If you have to wait for an access tone at some point in the number, enter one or more three-second pauses by pressing pause/redial. Enter a personal identification number (PIN), if applicable. • 2 When you are finished entering the access number, press pause/redial. A pause at the end of the string tells the product not to dial this number until you dial the fax number. Use the < or > button to select Fax Setup, and press menu/enter. Use the < or > button to select Group Setup, and press menu/enter. Use the < or > button to select Del. Use the < or > button to select the individual you want to delete from the group. Press menu/enter to confirm the deletion. Repeat steps 6 and 7 to delete other individuals from the group. OR Press cancel if you are finished. ENXC About speed-dial codes, one-touch keys, and group-dial codes 27 English Using the alphanumeric keypad, enter the number you want to associate with this group and press menu/enter. Choosing 1 through 9 also associates the group with the corresponding one-touch key. To delete all phone book entries You can delete all speed-dial codes, one-touch keys, and group-dial codes that are programmed in the product. CAUTION Once speed-dial codes, one-touch keys, and group-dial codes are deleted, they cannot be recovered. Use the < or > button to select Fax Setup, and press menu/enter. Use the < or > button to select Delete All, and press menu/enter. [. . . ] 若要裝入要傳真的文件,請: . 若要傳送傳真給㆒個收件者,請: . 變更外送傳真的預設對比與解析度 . 若要從記憶體㆗刪除傳真,請: . [. . . ]

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