說明書 EPSON EMP-6000 勘误表

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Mode d'emploi EPSON EMP-6000


   EPSON EMP-6000 使用说明书 (1575 ko)
   EPSON EMP-6000 安全使用须知 (1575 ko)

手冊摘要: 使用說明書 EPSON EMP-6000勘误表


[. . . ] 3 RCA component cable Note: Connector interface is subject to model's specifications 1. [. . . ] Ensure the projector and your computer are turned off. Connect one end of the VGA cable to the "VGA IN" connector on the projector; connect the other end to the VGA connector on the computer and tighten the screws. Connect one end of the power cord into the AC power socket on the projector; connect the other end to an electrical outlet. Powering On the Projector 1. Turn on the projector first and then the computer. Run your presentation. Powering Off the Projector 1. 投影機風扇關閉之前,請勿從插座上拔 除 AC 電源線。 1. [. . . ] 投影機風扇關閉之前,請勿從插座上拔 除 AC 電源線。 1. [. . . ]

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