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Mode d'emploi CITIZEN MT-854A
手冊摘要: 使用說明書 CITIZEN MT-854A


[. . . ] Do not exchange or tamper with any part of it, otherwise there is risk of electric shock. This appliance is not intended for use by children or persons with reduced physical or mental capabilities, unless they are supervised by a person responsible for their safety. In general, we recommend that you keep the appliance out of reach of children. STOP Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 q w Foil & Cutter cassette Cassette release button Shaver head «lock» switch Pop-out long hair trimmer On/off switch «sensitive» (–) setting button «intensive» (+) setting button Reset button Shaver display Shaver power socket Travel case Special cord set Charging The best environmental temperature for charging is between 5 °C and 35 °C. [. . . ] In general, we recommend that you keep the appliance out of reach of children. STOP Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 q w Foil & Cutter cassette Cassette release button Shaver head «lock» switch Pop-out long hair trimmer On/off switch «sensitive» (–) setting button «intensive» (+) setting button Reset button Shaver display Shaver power socket Travel case Special cord set Charging The best environmental temperature for charging is between 5 °C and 35 °C. • Using the special cord set w, connect the shaver to an electrical outlet with the motor switched off and charge it for at least one hour. • A full charge provides up to 50 minutes of cordless shaving time. This may vary according to your beard growth. • If the rechargeable battery has run out of power (discharged), you may also shave by connecting the shaver to an electrical outlet via the special cord set. 9 Shaver display 9 The green indicator flashes when the shaver is being charged or when in use. When the battery is fully charged, the charge segment «high» will light up continuously provided that the shaver is switched on or connected to an electrical outlet. The red «low» indicator flashes when the battery capacity has dropped below 20%, provided the shaver is switched on. The remaining capacity will then be sufficient for 2 to 3 shaves. 730 charge MT-854A high high low 730 charge MT-854A low low low intensive on on on off off sitive sitive nsive nsive sitive off nsive 10 mid mid high high Personalizing your shaver Personalizing your shaver With the «sensitive» 6 and «intensive» 7 buttons you can choose the best setting for shaving different areas of your face and as per your specific needs. • If you regularly clean the shaver under water, then once a week apply a drop of light machine oil on top of the Foil & Cutter cassette. trim r me on Series release Series er oil Series 7 release click! trimmer Series 7 release 11 Alternatively, you may clean the shaver using the brush provided: Series 7 release • Switch off the shaver. Remove the Foil & Cutter cassette 1 and tap it out on a flat surface. Using the brush, clean the inner area of the pivoting head. However, do not clean the foil and cutter cassette with the brush as this may damage it. Series 7 release release Keeping your shaver in top shape Replacing the Foil & Cutter cassette / reset To maintain 100% shaving performance, replace the Foil & Cutter cassette 1, when the replacement symbol lights up on the shaver display 9 (after about 18 months) or when cassette is worn The replacement symbol will remind you during the next 7 shaves to replace the Foil & Cutter cassette. Then the shaver will automatically reset the display. After you have replaced the Foil & Cutter cassette, use a ball-pen to push the reset button 8 for at least 3 seconds to reset the counter. While doing so, the replacement light blinks and goes off when the reset is complete. The manual reset can be done at any time. Series 7 release mer 12 d 70 S Accessories Available at your dealer or Braun Service Centres: • Foil & Cutter cassette 70S Environmental notice This product contains rechargeable batteries. [. . . ] While doing so, the replacement light blinks and goes off when the reset is complete. The manual reset can be done at any time. Series 7 release mer 12 d 70 S Accessories Available at your dealer or Braun Service Centres: • Foil & Cutter cassette 70S Environmental notice This product contains rechargeable batteries. In the interest of protecting the environment, please do not dispose of the product in household waste at the end of its useful life. [. . . ]

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