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Mode d'emploi CITIZEN LC310II
手冊摘要: 使用說明書 CITIZEN LC310II


[. . . ] 4 When the water has boiled, the kettle automatically switches off. You may also stop the heating procedure at any time by pressing the on/off switch (d). • Before plugging into a socket, make sure that your voltage corresponds to the voltage printed on the bottom of the kettle. The kettle may only be operated on the base (g) supplied. [. . . ] Only operate the kettle on a dry, flat and fixed surface. Never let the cord hang down from the worktop. Winding it up with the cord storage facility may reduce the cord length. This appliance is not intended for use by children or persons with reduced physical or mental capabilities, unless they are given supervision by a person responsible for their safety. In general, we recommend that you keep the appliance out of reach of children. Caution: During and after operation, never touch the metal surfaces of the kettle as they will get hot and may cause burns and scalds. Always hold the kettle in an upright position, to avoid boiling water come out. The base, the kettle or the cord must never get in contact with hot surfaces (e. The scale filter is dishwasher-proof. • Description a b c d e f g Scale filter (removable) Lid Lid release button On/off switch Water level indicator Pilot light Base with cord storage Descaling • In order to extend the lifetime of the kettle, it should be descaled regularly. • Boil 0. 8 l water in the kettle. • Important: Switch off the kettle and add 0. 4 l house• • hold vinegar (4-5% acid ). Do not boil the contents as it may cause spilling being a danger of scalding. Let the mix of water and vinegar sit in the kettle overnight. Empty the kettle and rinse the inside thoroughly with fresh water. Fill the kettle with fresh water and boil it. Empty the kettle and rinse it again with fresh water. If the kettle still contains scale, repeat this procedure. [. . . ] If the kettle still contains scale, repeat this procedure. To remove any scale from the scale filter, you may soak it in diluted vinegar. Max. capacity: 1. 7 l water Before first use Before using the kettle for the first time, fill it up twice with water to the maximum level and bring it to boil. [. . . ]

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