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Mode d'emploi CITIZEN LC310
手冊摘要: 使用說明書 CITIZEN LC310


[. . . ] [. . . ] LC310 off elect clean eco auto s st art cle 1 normal intensive 2 a n in cartridge g full empty LC310 3 Type 5643 www. braun. com/register 5-643-456/01/IX-03/G2 China/GB Activator LC310 9 1 10 11 12 13 14 2 3 4 15 3 2 1 off 12 clean se eco normal intensive 5 6 7 8 lec t sta au to 16 17 18 19 LC310 rt cle anin g dge cartri full empty STOP 4 to se eco normal intensive idg e ca rtr empty au full clean lec t to se eco normal intensive au full empty 1 2 cart ridg e clean lec t to se eco normal intensive cart ridg e full empty clean lec t to se eco normal intensive cart ridg e full empty au au 5 a cartrid ge full b cartrid ge full c cartrid ge full empty empty empty sele ct auto selec t auto 3 clean 2 1 off eco normal intensive clean eco a b c d normal intensive cartridge s ta rt cle a nin g full empty clean sele ct eco normal intensive clean ect auto sel eco normal intensive cartridge start cle a nin g full empty auto 2 1 off sele ct auto 3 clean eco normal intensive 6 I 2 2 3 2 1 1 1 clean selec t eco auto normal intensive cartridge start cleaning full empty 30 8570 3 2 1 off 7 8 2 off 1 1 off new old LC310 LC310 9 8570 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 11 [. . . ] [. . . ]

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