說明書 ACER P1266N

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手冊摘要: 使用說明書 ACER P1266N


[. . . ] VGA 類比 1 VGA 類比 - PC 信號 模式 VGA 解析度 640x480 640x480 640x480 640x480 720x400 720x400 800x600 800x600 800x600 800x600 800x600 832x624 1024x768 1024x768 1024x768 1024x768 1152x864 1152x864 1152x864 1280X1024 1280X1024 1280X1024 1280X1024 1280x960 1280x960 1400x1050 1600x1200 640x480 800x600 1024x768 1152x870 1280x960 1280x1024 640x480 640x480 800x600 1024x768 垂直頻率 [Hz] 60 72 75 85 70 85 56 60 72 75 85 75 60 70 75 85 70 75 85 60 72 75 85 60 75 60 60 66. 6(67) 60 60 75 75 60 60 66. 6(67) 60 60 水平頻率 [KHz] 31. 50 37. 90 37. 50 43. 30 31. 50 37. 90 35. 2 37. 90 48. 10 46. 90 53. 70 49. 725 48. 40 56. 50 60. 00 68. 70 63. 80 67. 50 77. 10 63. 98 76. 97 79. 98 91. 10 59. 70 75. 23 65. 32 75. 00 34. 93 37. 90 48. 40 68. 68 75. 00 63. 98 31. 35 34. 93 37. 90 48. 40 SVGA XGA SXGA QuadVGA SXGA+ UXGA Power Mac G4 PowerBook G4 39 1152x870 1280x960 1280x1024 1024x768 75 75 60 75 68. 68 75. 00 63. 98 60. 00 繁體中文 i Mac DV (G3) 2 VGA 類比 - 延伸型寬螢幕時序 模式 WXGA 解析度 1280x768 1280x768 1280x768 1280x720 1280x800 1360x768 1440x900 1680x1050 垂直頻率 [Hz] 60 75 85 60 60 60 60 60 水平頻率 [KHz] 48. 36 57. 6 68. 63 45. 00 49. 702 47. 72 55. 935 65. 290 B. [. . . ] 1, Hsin Tai Wu Rd. , Hsichih Taipei Hsien 221, Taiwan Declaration of Conformity We, Acer Incorporated 8F, 88, Sec. 1, Hsin Tai Wu Rd. , Hsichih, Taipei Hsien 221, Taiwan Contact Person: Mr. Easy Lai Tel: 886-2-8691-3089 Fax: 886-2-8691-3120 E-mail: easy_lai@acer. com. tw Hereby declare that: Product: Trade Name: Model Number: Machine Type: DLP Projector Acer DSV0801/DSV0809/DNX0802/DNX0810/DNX0807/ DNX0806/DNX0805 P1166/P1166P/P1266/P1266P/P1266n/P1266i/P1270 series Is compliant with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of the following EC directives and that all the necessary steps have been taken and are in force to assure that production units of the same product will continue comply with the requirements. EMC Directive 2004/108/EC as attested by conformity with the following harmonized standards: -. EN55022: 2006, AS/NZS CISPR22: 2006, Class B -. EN61000-3-3: 1995 + A1: 2001+A2: 2005 Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC as attested by conformity with the following harmonized standard: -. EN60950-1: 2001 + A11: 2004 Council Decision 98/482/EC (CTR21) for pan- European single terminal connection to the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). [. . . ] EN301 893 V1. 4. 1 (Applicable to 5GHz high performance RLAN). Year to begin affixing CE marking 2008. _______________________________ Easy Lai /Manager Regulation Center, Acer Inc. [. . . ]

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